• 你所知道的真的就是事实吗?

    20-09-18 We keep arguing about what truth really is. 我们一直在争论到底什么才是事实。 And, most of the time, we insist that what we know is the truth. 而大多数时候我们都坚信自己知道的是事实。 But in the end, what is the sound of truth? 可是,说到底,到底什么...

  • 北欧国家最适合养娃

    20-01-19 Whats the best country in the world to raise a child? If a well developed public education system tops your list, youd likely consider the United States -- it took the top spot in education in this years Best Countries Report, done annually since 20...

  • 新西兰总理生下第一个孩子

    18-06-22 New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern gave birth to her first child in Auckland on Thursday afternoon. 新西兰总理杰辛达阿德恩周四下午在奥克兰生下第一个孩子。 A 3.31-kg baby girl was born at 4:45 p.m. local time at Auckland City Hospital, making...

  • 2017中国新生儿数量有所下降

    18-06-13 The number of newborns in China last year was 880,000 fewer than that of the previous year, according to a report released by the National Health and Health Commission, reports bjnews.com. 国家卫生健康委员会公布的一份报告显示,2017年国内新生儿数量较...

  • hurried child syndrome 忙碌儿童综合征

    18-04-23 Hurried child syndrome refers to a condition in which parents overschedule their childrens lives, push them hard for academic success, and expect them to behave and react as miniature adults. 忙碌儿童综合征指的是家长将孩子的生活安排得过满、极力要求...

  • 研究:狗能让儿童免患湿疹与哮喘

    17-10-30 Dogs may protect kids against eczema and asthma, two U.S. studies released Friday show the new findings. 周五公布的两份美国研究显示,狗可能保护儿童免受湿疹与哮喘之苦。 The first study showed babies born in a home with a dog during pregnancy receive...

  • 真想拯救地球?不生孩子

    17-08-04 By not having a child, the carbon footprint of an individual living in a developed country would be reduced on average by an extra 58.6 tons of carbon dioxide every year, based on current emission rates. 按照现在的排放速率,每少生一个孩子,发达国家...

  • 全球首例儿童双手移植手术获成功

    17-07-22 The first child in the world to undergo a double hand transplant has been able to fulfil his dream of swinging a baseball bat. 全球首个接受双手移植的儿童已经实现了他挥动棒球球棒的梦想。 A Lancet study reveals that the global first has been classed a...

  • BBC文化频道:4月份不容错过的十本好书

    17-04-10 Michel Stone, Border Child In Stones first novel, The Iguana Tree, Hctor makes the risky border crossing from Mexico into the US and finds a good job in South Carolina. When his wife Lilia follows him, she is separated from their infant daughter Ale...

  • 阿黛尔自曝曾患产后抑郁症

    16-11-07 Adele has opened up about her battle with postnatal depression after the birth of her son, Angelo. 阿黛尔近日谈起在生下儿子安吉洛后与产后抑郁症做斗争的一段经历。 The singer told Vanity Fair magazine that she felt, at the time, like she had made the...