• 关于父亲节的4个事实

    22-06-20 1. Washington was the first state to celebrate Fathers Day. 第一个父亲节是在美国华盛顿庆祝的 In 1909, Spokane resident Sonora Smart Dodd was listening to a Mothers Day sermon at her local church when she had the idea to try and establish a similar d...

  • yippee 高兴和兴奋

    22-06-13 yippee an expression of happiness and excitement. This word is used mainly by children. 可以用来表达高兴和兴奋的情绪,主要是小孩子使用。 例句: My daughters face lit up with pleasure at the sight of the Christmas tree. Yippee! she cried. 一看到圣诞...

  • 怎么用英语形容“穷”

    22-06-07 1. There are a lot of struggling families who need our help. 有很多艰难度日的家庭需要我们的帮助。 2. He lived his whole life as a struggling artist and didnt become famous until after his death. 作为艺术家,他一生贫困潦倒,直到死后才成名。 3. This s...

  • 超半数的美国人已经感染过新冠病毒

    22-05-05 美疾控中心通过检测血液样本中的抗体发现,美国超半数的人已经感染过新冠病毒,其中儿童感染率高达75%。研究人员发现,感染病毒人数在12月至2月期间也就是奥密克戎感染高峰期增加得最快。 More than half of Americans show signs of a previous Covid-19 infection, i...

  • emo flap 情绪摇滚头

    22-04-07 当中国年轻的移民二代兴起一股洗剪吹之风时,西方的叛逆青少年中也在流行emo flap(情绪摇滚头)。 Emo flap is a hairstyle symbolizing ones angst and hatred of the world. It covers one of the eyes and comes down in a pizza slice shape. Commonly associated...

  • 个税专项附加扣除 special additional deductions for individua

    22-04-06 请看例句: China has announced tax-relief policies for parents rearing children under 3 years old, according to a State Council circular issued on Monday. 国务院3月28日印发通知称,照护 3岁以下婴幼儿可享受个税减免。 根据这项通知,自2022年1月1日起,纳...

  • 照护3岁以下婴幼儿可享受个税减免

    22-03-30 国务院3月28日印发《关于设立3岁以下婴幼儿照护个人所得税专项附加扣除的通知》。 China has announced tax-relief policies for parents rearing children under 3 years old, according to a State Council circular issued on Monday. 国务院3月28日印发通知称,照...

  • 哪些英语表达可以描述开心的心情

    22-03-11 1. The children dance round him in delight. 孩子们开心地围着他跳舞。 2. His joy was immense. 他开心极了。 3. I hope that everyone will be able to join in the fun. 我希望每个人都能够加入进来,玩得开心。 4. Everybody there was having a terrific time....

  • “全职奶爸”不再是非主流

    22-02-22 为人父母并不容易,有些家长选择把小孩送到托儿所或请保姆照看,而另一些则在家全职带孩子。全职奶爸 或许曾被视为另类,但如今这一身份开始被更多人接受。 There arent many parents who would say that raising children is easy. For many people, having children...

  • adornment 门面

    22-02-14 Adornment的意思是装饰品。 Free Dictionary给出了两个解释embellishment, ornamentation,就是抽象意义上的门面或者脸面。 She had managed to instill in her household a European sense of children as graceful adornments to the parents, as opposed to our ugl...