• 气候变化影响冷血动物生存

    14-12-10 Animals that regulate their body temperature through the external environment may be resilient to some climate change but not keep pace with rapid change, leading to potentially disastrous outcomes for biodiversity. A study by the University of Sydn...

  • 2014碳排放预计削减1.25亿吨

    14-12-09 Emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) will be cut by some 125 million tons this year, a United Nations (UN) official said Monday. 一位联合国官员周一表示,今年二氧化碳的排放量将会削减大约1.25亿吨。 Speaking at a UN climate change conference in Lima, Lila...

  • 加勒比海柳珊瑚对海水酸化有抵抗性

    14-12-09 A new study on tropical shallow-water soft corals, known as gorgonians, found that the species were able to calcify and grow under elevated carbon dioxide concentrations. These results suggest that Caribbean gorgonian corals may be more resilient to...

  • 全球变暖将使花的香度提高

    14-12-05 Some flowers could give out a smell that is nine times more fragrant than they currently produce, according to a report. 一份报告显示,全球变暖将导致一些花比现在香9倍。 It says that a temperature increase of between 1C (34F) - 5C (41F) will vastly i...

  • 肥胖的危害等同吸烟

    14-11-26 The worldwide cost of obesity is about the same as smoking or armed conflict and greater than both alcoholism and climate change, research has suggested. 研究发现,肥胖问题造成的全球生活成本大约与吸烟或者武装冲突差不多,比酗酒和气候变化都要高。 The...

  • 长期盐度变化对局部海平面变化有显著影响

    14-11-25 Using ocean observations and a large suite of climate models, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory scientists have found that long-term salinity changes have a stronger influence on regional sea level changes than previously thought. By using long...

  • 联合国赞扬中美温室气体排放协议

    14-11-13 U.N. Chief Ban Ki-Moon is praising the new pledge made by China and the United States to limit greenhouse gases. 联合国秘书长潘基文对中美达成限制温室气体排放的保证表示赞扬。 At the same time, Ban Ki-Moon is calling on the rest of the world to follow...

  • 严格的渔业管理能逆转气候变化影响

    14-10-27 A new study has found that implementing stricter fisheries management overcame the expected detrimental effects of climate change disturbances in coral reef fisheries badly impacted by the 1997/98 El Nio, according to the Wildlife Conservation Socie...

  • 细菌是气候变化的关键因素

    14-10-23 Tiny soil microbes are among the world's biggest potential amplifiers of human-caused climate change, but whether microbial communities are mere slaves to their environment or influential actors in their own right is an open question. Now, research...

  • 林木组成改变与气候变化无关

    14-10-17 Change in disturbance regimes -- rather than a change in climate -- is largely responsible for altering the composition of Eastern forests, according to a researcher in Penn State's College of Agricultural Sciences. Forests in the Eastern United Sta...