• 全球变暖使海平面最多上涨1.8米

    14-10-15 The climate is getting warmer, the ice sheets are melting and sea levels are rising -- but how much? The report of the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in 2013 was based on the best available estimates of future sea levels, but...

  • 气候变化对鱼群的影响

    14-10-13 Love is more thickr than forget More thinner than recaall More seldom than a Wave is Wet More frequent than to fail It is most mad and moonly And Iess it shall unbe Than all the sea Which only Is deeper than the sea Love is less always than to win L...

  • 人工光合作用应用前景广泛

    14-09-29 The excessive atmospheric carbon dioxide that is driving global climate change could be harnessed into a renewable energy technology that would be a win for both the environment and the economy. That is the lure of artificial photosynthesis in which...

  • 专家呼吁扩大气候变化辩论

    14-09-29 Environmental scientists are being urged to broaden the advice they give on global climate change, say experts who are also frustrated that decision makers are not taking enough action. Writing in the journal Nature Climate Change, The University of...

  • 联合国:臭氧层出现恢复的迹象

    14-09-11 The ozone layer that shields the earth from cancer-causing ultraviolet rays is showing early signs of thickening after years of depletion, a UN study says. 联合国一项研究显示,保护地球免受致癌紫外线伤害的臭氧层在经历多年的枯竭之后正出现增厚的初步迹...

  • 埃及历史上曾有生态崩溃时期

    14-09-10 Depictions of animals in ancient Egyptian artifacts have helped scientists assemble a detailed record of the large mammals that lived in the Nile Valley over the past 6,000 years. A new analysis of this record shows that species extinctions, probabl...

  • 气候智能型农业需要三项全球长期研究的支持

    14-09-06 Faced with climate change and diminishing opportunities to expand productive agricultural acreage, the world needs to invest in a global research agenda addressing farm and food systems, landscape and regional issues and institutional and policy mat...

  • 美国西南部可能将经历超级大旱

    14-08-28 Due to global warming, scientists say, the chances of the southwestern United States experiencing a decade long drought is at least 50 percent, and the chances of a megadrought -- one that lasts over 30 years -- ranges from 20 to 50 percent over the...

  • 全球变暖暂停的起因位于大西洋深处

    14-08-25 Following rapid warming in the late 20th century, this century has so far seen surprisingly little increase in the average temperature at Earth's surface. At first this was a blip(标记) , then a trend, then a puzzle for the climate science communi...

  • 龙卷风的强度频率与气候变化

    14-08-08 New research by a Florida State University geography professor shows that climate change may be playing a key role in the strength and frequency of tornadoes hitting the United States. Published Wednesday in the journal Climate Dynamics, Professor J...