• Go Home

    15-04-14 Well, you can. Only you might find yourself staying at a Trave Lodge, driving a rented Ford Contour and staking out your childhood home like some noir private eye just trying to catch a glimpse of the Johnny-come-latelys that are now living in YOUR...

  • 南极部分浮冰融化速度高达18%

    15-03-30 A new study led by Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego researchers has revealed that the thickness of Antarctica's floating ice shelves has recently decreased by as much as 18 percent in certain areas over nearly two decades, providi...

  • 电动汽车的潜在优势

    15-03-20 Electric vehicles are cool, research shows. Literally. A study in this week's Scientific Reports by researchers at Michigan State University (MSU) and in China add more fuel to the already hot debate about whether electric vehicles are more environm...

  • 欧盟将与中国协力应对全球变暖

    15-03-12 The European Union's commissioner for climate action and energy has said climate diplomacy will be at the heart of Europe's relationship with China throughout 2015. 欧盟气候行动和能源专员表示气候外交会成为2015年中欧关系的重中之重。 In an exclusive i...

  • 印度、孟加拉、中国为洪水多发区

    15-03-11 India, Bangladesh and China are most at risk from river floods, with an increasing number of people threatened because of climate change and economic growth in low-lying regions, a study said on Thursday. 本周四公布的一份研究称,印度、孟加拉共和国、...

  • 气候变化对帝企鹅基因的影响

    15-03-04 A study of how climate change has affected emperor penguins over the last 30,000 years found that only three populations may have survived during the last ice age, and that the Ross Sea in Antarctica was likely the refuge for one of these population...

  • 环保组织需要与自然环境保持同步

    15-03-03 Nature is on the move. As the impacts of climate change reveal themselves, species and ecosystems are moving in response. This poses a fundamental challenge to conservation organizations--how do you conserve something that won't stay still? A new pa...

  • 2015达沃斯经济论坛七大议题

    15-01-25 World leaders, top business people and campaigners will be debating issues from climate change to political instability at the World Economic Forum this week. 在本周举行的世界经济论坛上,世界各国领导人、商界精英和活动家们将就从气候变化到政治动荡等一...

  • 气候变化危及城市电网

    14-12-16 Cities like Miami are all too familiar with hurricane-related power outages. But a Johns Hopkins University analysis finds climate change will give other major metro areas a lot to worry about in future storms. Johns Hopkins engineers created a comp...

  • 核能应为保持生物多样性发挥重要作用

    14-12-16 Leading conservation scientists from around the world have called for a substantial role for nuclear power in future energy-generating scenarios in order to mitigate climate change and protect biodiversity. In an open letter to environmentalists wit...