• 火山喷发影响了人类历史

    15-07-09 It is well known that large volcanic eruptions contribute to climate variability. However, quantifying these contributions has proven challenging due to inconsistencies in both historic atmospheric data observed in ice cores and corresponding temper...

  • 温暖干燥的冬季影响着加州野花的物种多样性

    15-06-25 Native wildflowers in California are losing species diversity after multiple years of drier winters, according to a study from the University of California, Davis, which provides the first direct evidence of climate change impacts in the state's gra...

  • 大型恐龙为何不在热带地区生活

    15-06-16 For more than 30 million years after dinosaurs first appeared, they remained inexplicably rare near the equator, where only a few small-bodied meat-eating dinosaurs made a living. The long absence at low latitudes has been one of the great, unanswer...

  • 巴西热带雨林内发现7种新的小型青蛙

    15-06-08 Following nearly 5 years of exploration in mountainous areas of the southern Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest, a team of researchers has uncovered seven new species of a highly miniaturized, brightly colored frog genus known as Brachycephalus. Each spe...

  • 铜矿全球分布的气候信号

    15-05-12 Climate helps drive the erosion process that exposes economically valuable copper deposits and shapes the pattern of their global distribution, according to a new study from researchers at the University of Idaho and the University of Michigan. Near...

  • 否定气候变化对科学界的影响

    15-05-11 Climate change denial in public discourse may encourage climate scientists to over-emphasise scientific uncertainty and is also affecting how they themselves speak -- and perhaps even think -- about their own research, a new study from the Universit...

  • 关注土壤安全

    15-05-11 A group of leading soil scientists, including the University of Delaware's Donald L. Sparks, has summarized the precarious state of the world's soil resources and the possible ramifications for human security in a paper published Thursday, May 7, in...

  • 奥巴马讲话 不能对气候变化再掉以轻心

    15-05-08 Hi everybody. Wednesday is Earth Day, a day to appreciate and protect this precious planet we call home. And today, there's no greater threat to our planet than climate change. 2014 was the planet's warmest year on record. Fourteen of the 15 hottest...

  • 北极甲虫是气候变化的理想指示物

    15-04-23 Wanna know about climate change? Ask a beetle. Scientists have been logging changes in weather patterns and temperatures in the Arctic for some time. Now they need to find ways to measure how these changes in climate are affecting biodiversity. One...

  • 土壤养分限制了植物调节气候变化的能力

    15-04-22 Many scientists assume that the growing level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will accelerate plant growth. However, a new study co-written by University of Montana researchers suggests much of this growth will be curtailed by limited soil nutri...