• 气候变化使北极不适宜候鸟生存

    16-07-21 Climate change could make much of the Arctic unsuitable for millions of migratory birds that travel north to breed each year, according to a new international study published today in Global Change Biology. The University of Queensland School of Bio...

  • 2016气候趋势持续打破历史记录

    16-07-21 Two key climate change indicators -- global surface temperatures and Arctic sea ice extent -- have broken numerous records through the first half of 2016, according to NASA analyses of ground-based observations and satellite data. Each of the first...

  • 实时监测人为全球变暖

    16-07-19 A research team including a Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California San Diego climate scientist simulated in a computer model, for the first time, the realistic evolution of global mean surface temperature since 1900. In...

  • 南极臭氧层有复原的迹象

    16-07-01 Scientists at MIT and elsewhere have identified the first fingerprints of healing of the Antarctic ozone layer, published today in the journal Science. The team found that the September ozone hole has shrunk by more than 4 million square kilometers...

  • 飞机尾气可以使云朵更白

    16-06-23 Clouds may have a net warming or cooling effect on climate, depending on their thickness and altitude. Artificially formed clouds called contrails form due to aircraft effluent. In a cloudless sky, contrails are thought to have minimal effect on cli...

  • 滑雪场自然条件

    16-06-16 Ski area conditions 雪场自然条件状况 slope 坡度 temperature 温度 humidity 湿度 altitude 海拔 the slope orientation 坡面朝向 natural resources 自然资源 sunlight 日照 local climate 当地气候 transport capacity/ability 运力 Ski slangs 滑雪口头语 snow bu...

  • 南极海水温度几乎不受气候变化影响

    16-05-31 The waters surrounding Antarctica may be one of the last places to experience human-driven climate change. New research from the University of Washington and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology finds that ocean currents explain why the seawate...

  • 气候变化会导致阿拉斯加野火频率增加

    16-05-12 Climate change is melting glaciers, reducing sea-ice cover and increasing wildlife activity - with some of the most dramatic impacts occurring in the northern high latitudes. New research by University of Montana affiliate scientist Adam Young and U...

  • 气候变化可能导致穴居人的灭绝

    16-05-12 A researcher at the University of Colorado Denver has found that Neanderthals in Europe showed signs of nutritional stress during periods of extreme cold, suggesting climate change may have contributed to their demise around 40,000 years ago. Jamie...

  • 人类活动是引起森林大火的一个主要因素

    16-04-29 A new study examining wildfires in California found that human activity explains as much about their frequency and location as climate influences. The researchers systematically looked at human behaviors and climate change together, which is unique...