• 《星球大战外传:侠盗一号》精彩词句

    23-01-30 1. He defected yesterday. 他昨天叛逃了。 2. Were up against the clock here. 我们时间不多。 3. Given the gravity of the situation and your history with Saw, were hoping that he will help us locate your father. 考虑到情况的严重性以及你和索的渊源,我们...

  • round the clock 夜以继日

    22-12-26 夜以继日,汉语成语,意思是指晚上连着白天,日夜不停。形容加紧工作或学习。可以翻译为round the clock,day and night等。 例句: 他夜以继日地学习,准备历史考试。 He studied round the clock for his history exam....

  • 《爱丽丝梦游仙境-2》第20章

    22-12-22 An eerie stillness hung in the Chamber of the Grand Clock. Then ... tick tock Tick Tock Ticktock. TICKTOCK. Glowing under a layer of rust, like a clothcovered lantern, the Chronosphere hummed to life, and the Grand Clock started up. Rust flaked off...

  • 《赛车总动员》第14章

    22-11-16 Lightning moaned. He was having a terrible nightmare. It was the Piston Cup final, and he was being beatenby Frank the combine! In a whirlwind, Frank took the trophy and the Dinoco sponsorship and had gorgeous female cars fawning all over him. It wa...

  • 英式英语与美式英语:词汇的区别

    22-11-01 英式英语和美式英语最明显的区别之一在于,同一事物的词汇可能有所不同。比如,在表示由人排成的队时,英国人说 queue,而美国人则说 line;在英国和美国,西服背心或马甲的对应说法分别是 waistcoat 和 vest。你能分清特定事物在英式英语和美式英语中的区别吗? 1. Ho...

  • cyberloafing 网络闲散

    22-10-12 上班时间偷偷上网购物看小说?和好友在网上聊天唠嗑?你会因为网络闲散感到羞愧吗? A spot of online shopping, checking out your holiday snaps on Facebook: if you break up your work day with non-work online activities you may be guilty of cyberloafing....

  • All in Good Time 一切上天都自有安排

    22-08-17 1. In Broad Daylight 在光天化日之下 When something occurs in broad daylight, it means the event is clearly visible. Heres an example: Two coyotes brazenly walked across the lawn in broad daylight. 在光天化日之下发生的事情,意味着这件事情是清晰明了的...

  • 时间紧迫

    22-06-21 1. against the clock 如果你为了准时完成一项任务,一直掐着表在做,就可以用上这个短语,它的意思是争分夺秒地。 例:On our last project, we were working against the clock. 上一个工程,我们一直都在和时间赛跑。 2. pressed for time Pressed我们都知道有压迫...