• 中共中央对二十大代表选举工作作出全面部署

    21-11-22 最近,中共中央印发了《关于党的二十大代表选举工作的通知》,对二十大代表选举工作作出全面部署。中央组织部近日召开会议,对这项工作作出具体安排。 党的十九届六中全会决定,党的二十大于2022年下半年在北京召开。 The Communist Party of China (CPC) will convene...

  • host 东道主

    21-11-15 2022年北京冬季奥运会(the Winter Olympic Games)将于2022年2月4日至20日在北京市和河北省张家口市联合举行,这是中国首次成为冬奥会东道主。 东道主,原指东方道路上的主人,因历史上郑国在秦国之东,接待秦国出使东方的使节,故称东道主。现在泛指请客或接待的人(...

  • 英国的形成历史概况 3

    21-10-06 1. The statute of Wales in 1284 placed the country under English law and Edward presented his new-born-son to the Welsh people as the Prince of Wales, a title held by the heir to the throne ever since. 1284年的威尔士法,使威尔士处于英国法律之下,爱...

  • 美国概况人文知识8

    21-10-04 1. The Rocky Mountains is located in _____. A. Great Britain B. Australia C. South Africa D. North America 2. Hollywood, the centre of American movie industry, is closest to which city? A. Los Angles B. Chicago C. New York D. Washington 3. Which of...

  • 美国概况人文知识9

    21-10-04 1. In area, the United States is the ____ largest country in the world. A. 2nd B. 3rd C. 4th D. 5th 2.The 50th state in America is ____ A. Alaska B. Texas C. Hawaii D. Rhode Island 3. Mauna Loa, the worlds largest active volcano, is located in ____...

  • 加拿大地理人文知识

    21-10-04 Canada is the worlds second largest country after Russia. 60% of the population in Canada inhabit in the area between Quebec city and the western end of Lake Ontario. 加拿大是世界上幅员第二大的国家,大约60%的人口集中在魁北克市与安大略省西端。 Toront...

  • fresh off the boat 初来乍到

    21-08-19 Newly arrived in another country but has yet to learn the customs and language. 例句: Hes fresh off the boat, and he just arrived yesterday. 他初来乍到,昨天才到的。 Shes been here for over a year, but she behaves as if shes fresh off the boat. 她...

  • be concentrated on 心无旁骛

    21-08-10 心无旁骛,汉语成语,心思没有另外的追求,形容心思集中,专心致志。可以翻译为be devoted to,be absorbed in,或be concentrated on等。 例句: 这个国家始终心无旁骛地发展实体经济,特别是将制造业放在核心位置。 The country has consistently concentrated on de...

  • money talks 有钱能使鬼推磨 

    21-08-02 短语 money talks 的意思就是有钱能使鬼推磨。注意这个短语带有一些负面含义。 例句 A: I dont know how he got into university. Hes not very clever. B: Didnt you know? His dads a millionaire. He paid for the new library. Money talks. I dont want to say th...

  • to get back into the swing of things 回归常态

    21-07-02 这个表达来自网球运动,原本用来描述运动员在一番休息之后再次进入状态,挥拍更加顺手,而现在则多用来表示人们回归常态,重新投入到正常的工作、生活中。 例句 After my long holiday it took me a while to get back into the swing of things. 在休完长假后,我花了...