• debt-collection agency 讨债公司

    16-04-27 That brought about a need to hire specialist debt-collection agencies , particularly in regions where credit expanded and economic growth slowed, said analysts. 分析人士认为,这使得雇佣专业讨债公司的需求出现,特别是在信贷扩张,经济增速下降的地区。...

  • credit asset pledged relending 信贷资产质押再贷款

    16-01-29 China's central bank has announced plans to expand a pilot program on credit asset pledged relending to nine municipalities and provinces. 中国央行宣布,计划扩大信贷资产质押再贷款试点范围至9个省市。 信贷资产质押再贷款可以用credit asset pledged relen...

  • 中东银行推出香味信用卡吸引女性客户

    15-03-22 Al Hilal Bank recently released a credit card with a built-in applet that absorbs the smell of perfume, aimed at attracting female customers. The card also comes with a nicely boxed signature scent and a number of perks, from discounts for female-ce...

  • 支付宝将启动虚拟信用卡业务

    14-12-30 Alipay is launching its own virtual credit card service. 支付宝将启动虚拟信用卡服务。 The service will allow users to pay their online purchases on credit. Users will have 20 days to pay off the balance. Alipay is going to offer a line of credit of...

  • 阿里巴巴获A+债信评级

    14-11-14 Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba Group has received its first debt ratings from international credit agencies. 中国电商巨头阿里巴巴集团获国际信贷机构首次债信评级。 Standard Poor's and Fitch Ratings rated the notes at investment grade A-plus, while M...

  • FBI发动信用卡突击行动 逮捕24人

    12-06-27 At least 24 people in 13 countries have been arrested in a US-led sting operation targeting illegal trafficking of credit card information. 美国领导的一场打击非法交易信用卡信息的突击行动在13个国家至少逮捕了24名嫌疑人。 The swoop(猛扑) came after a...

  • 各种“卡”

    12-02-06 birthday card 生日卡 Christmas card 圣诞卡 New-Year card 贺年卡 post card 明信片 identity card 身份证 credit card 信用卡 debit card 借记卡 guest card 贵宾卡 preferential card 优惠卡 expense card 消费卡 get-well card 慰问卡 record card 记录卡 medicar...

  • 美国黑客窃取信用卡号码作圣诞捐赠

    11-12-31 The loose-knit hacking movement 'Anonymous' claimed Sunday to have stolen thousands of credit card numbers and other personal information belonging to clients of US-based security think tank Stratfor. 组织松散的黑客团体匿名者上周日宣称成功侵入美国安...

  • 无耐心与低信用之间存在联系

    11-12-14 A study conducted by Columbia Business School's Prof. Stephan Meier, Regina Pitaro Associate Professor of Business, Management, and Charles Sprenger, Assistant Professor, Stanford University Department of Economics, determines that there may be a ps...

  • credit system 学分制

    11-04-01 Beijing's university students will be able to move at their own pace on the road to their degrees, taking between three and six years to graduate, if the city moves forward as expected with a more flexible credit system . 如果北京市能够如期推出更加...