• 苹果中国数据中心将于2020年上线

    18-02-04 Construction on a Chinese data center for Apple Inc, the U.S. tech giant, is scheduled to begin later this year and the center is expected to open in 2020, sources close to the project has said. 有消息称,苹果中国数据中心的建造将于今年晚些时候开工,...

  • 中国将建超大DNA数据库

    17-10-31 A super-sized DNA sequencing platform will be built in Nanjing, capital of east Chinas Jiangsu Province, in order to create a genetic information database for ethnic Chinese, according to the provincial health authority. 江苏省卫生局表示,一座超大型...

  • 印尼每天走路步数全球最低

    17-07-22 US scientists have amassed planetary-scale data from peoples smartphones to see how active we really are. 美国的科学家们从人们的智能手机中收集了海量数据,用来研究人们的实际活动情况。 The Stanford University analysis of 68 million days worth of minut...

  • 苹果将在贵州建数据中心

    17-07-13 Apple Inc will invest $1 billion in new data centers in Guizhou province in China. 苹果公司将投资10亿美元在中国贵州省建设一座新数据中心。 The move is part of a deal Apple inked with Guizhou provincial government on Wednesday. Under the partnership,...

  • 中国将编纂南海历史数据

    17-06-22 A project was launched Wednesday in China that will see researchers compile historical data obtained during expeditions to the South China Sea since the late 1950s. 本周三开始,中国研究人员将开始编纂20世纪50年代后期开始对南海的探测活动所获得的历史数...

  • 中国深海数据实时传输时间世界最长

    17-06-20 Chinese scientists announced Monday they had realized the real-time transmission of deep-sea data for more than 190 straight days, a world record. 中国科学家周一宣布,他们已经实现了190多天深海数据实时传输,创造了新的世界记录。 During an expedition t...

  • 中国将严管环境数据欺诈

    17-06-19 Chinese environment authorities will establish a system to prevent and punish environmental data fraud, according to an official. 中国环保局将建立一套防止并惩罚环境数据欺诈的系统。 Since environmental monitoring is an important part of technical sup...

  • 中国将建造综合大数据中心

    17-05-18 China plans to build an integrated national big data center, an official said on Wednesday. 中国计划建造一座国家级综合大数据中心。 The center aims to promote better sharing of public data for wider application, especially for data in sectors such as...

  • 斯诺登参与设计手机反监听保护壳

    16-07-26 Edward Snowden has helped design a mobile phone case called the introspection engine that, he claims, will show when a smartphone is transmitting information that could be monitored. 爱德华斯诺登参与设计了一个手机保护壳,称为反监听装置,他声称可以监...

  • 通过动物组织传递高清视频级数据

    16-04-19 Using animal tissue samples--store-bought pork loin and beef liver--researchers from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign have demonstrated the possibility of real-time video-rate data transmission through tissue for in-body ultrasonic com...