• 《霍比特人3》精彩词句

    23-01-30 1. He hit the dragon! He did! He hit his mark! I saw. 他射中了龙!是真的,我看他射中了。 2. All hail to the Dragon-Slayer! 向我们伟大的屠龙者致敬! 3. Look around you! Have you not had your fill of death? Winter is upon us. 看看你们周围,死的人还不够...

  • 《沉睡魔咒》第4章

    23-01-28 King Henry lay in bed, dozens of councilmen and generals surrounding him. From an alcove, Stefan watched the scene, lighting the last candelabra. He had to lean in closely to hear what the weakened king was saying. When I took the throne, I promised...

  • 2021年美国人均预期寿命连续第二年下降

    22-09-09 据美联社8月31日报道,美疾控中心公布的最新报告显示,2021年美国人均预期寿命为76岁1个月,连续第二年出现下降,新冠疫情成为导致美国2021年人均预期寿命缩短的首要原因。 US life expectancy dropped for the second consecutive year in 2021, falling by nearly a...

  • abandon oneself to despair 万念俱灰

    22-09-08 万念俱灰,汉语成语,意思是所有的想法和打算都破灭了,形容极端灰心失望的心情。可以翻译为abandon oneself to despair,be tired of earthly life等。 例句: 他妻子死后,他似乎万念俱灰。 After his wifes death, he seemed to give himself over to despair....

  • I'm starving. 我太饿了!

    22-05-07 Im starving. 我太饿了! Notes:民以食为天。饥肠辘辘的感觉可不好受。除了Im hungry,还能怎样表达我很饿呢? Im starving. 我太饿了! I am starving to death. 我快饿死了! My stomach is growling. 我的肚子咕咕叫。有胃口好的时候自然也有吃不下饭的时候,没有胃...

  • 《西游记》中那些满载回忆的经典台词

    22-04-26 俺乃是五百年前大闹天宫的齐天大圣孙悟空! Im Sun Wukong, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven who made havoc in Heaven five hundred years ago. 小的们,老孙回来了! Little ones, Im back. 悟空,救我! Rescue me, Wukong. 贫僧从东土大唐而来,去往西天取经。 I a...