• 奥密克戎危害性远远高于流感

    22-04-12 在4月6日国务院联防联控机制新闻发布会上,有记者就奥密克戎危害性提问。北京大学第一医院感染疾病科主任王贵强表示,奥密克戎危害性远远高于所谓的流感,尤其对于未接种疫苗或没有全程接种疫苗的老年人。 Despite being weaker than previous COVID-19 variants, Omic...

  • Twilight 暮光之城:暮色 preface

    22-01-21 Id never given much thought to how I would die though Id had reasonenough in the last few months but even if I had, I would not haveimagined it like this. I stared without breathing across the long room, into the dark eyes ofthe hunter, and he looke...

  • 全球新冠死亡人数达500万

    21-11-03 尽管疫苗的出现降低了新冠死亡率,全球新冠死亡人数从400万增加到500万相比从300万增加到400万用时更长,但是全球的疫情形势仍然不容乐观。 欧洲的新冠病例还在不断增加,俄罗斯的单日新增病例和死亡人数创下了疫情暴发以来的新高,还有许多贫困国家的疫苗接种率极低。...

  • 美国罗德岛州将开设毒品安全注射中心

    21-10-29 据美媒报道,罗德岛州即将开设全美首个毒品安全注射中心,在这里吸毒者能够在工作人员监督下注射毒品,防止用药过量致死。中心还将为吸毒者们提供医疗保健和住房援助等其他服务。 Rhode Island is set to become the first state to create safe-injection sites for i...

  • 英国东岸鸟类大批死亡之谜

    21-10-28 Every new tide brings with it further evidence that our seabirds are suffering. Dead gannets, guillemots and razorbills are being found on beaches from northern Scotland down to The Wash [UK]. 每一次潮起潮落都会让更多证据浮出水面,证明海鸟正在挣扎求...

  • 离死亡不远的老人有哪些感受

    21-10-24 What Does It Feel Like to Be Really Old Knowing Death Is Imminent? 离死亡不远的老人都有哪些感受? I think a better question would be when is one old? I just turned 70, look 55, feel 30, and have no aches, pains, illnesses or physical problems of any...

  • 来自地狱的明信片

    21-03-09 Sun, a sandy beach and a nice view. Is that what all tourists want? Not quite. Trips to sites of death, brutality and terror are on the increase. About 350,000 people now visit Robben Island in South Africa every year. Thats where Nelson Mandela was...

  • 大脑使我们逃避关于生死话题的恐惧

    20-12-01 Thats because, researchers say, our brains do their best to keep us from dwelling on our inevitable demise. A study found that the brain shields us from existential fear by categorizing death as an unfortunate event that only befalls other people....

  • 印尼洪灾和山体滑坡已死亡31人

    19-04-30 The death toll from floods and landslides in Indonesias western Bengkulu province and the capital of Jakarta jumped to 31 on Monday, while the search for 13 missing people was underway, disaster agency officials said. 本周一,印度尼西亚西部明古鲁省...

  • 印尼洪灾和山体滑坡已死亡31人

    19-04-30 The death toll from floods and landslides in Indonesias western Bengkulu province and the capital of Jakarta jumped to 31 on Monday, while the search for 13 missing people was underway, disaster agency officials said. 本周一,印度尼西亚西部明古鲁省...