• 人死之后“意识”尚在活动

    14-10-10 There is scientific evidence to suggest that life can continue after death, according to the largest ever medical study carried out on the subject. 医学研究表明,在人死亡之后,生命其实并未停止,灵魂还在活动。 A team based in the UK has spent the las...

  • 最好的抗衰老方法:站起来

    14-09-07 The best anti-ageing technique could be standing up, scientists believe, after discovering that spending more time on two feet protects DNA. 最好的抗衰老技术可能就是站起来,别坐以待毙。长时间坐着会缩短端粒染色体末端的保护帽。 A study found that too...

  • 高钾食物可降低年长女性的中风死亡危险

    14-09-06 Postmenopausal women who eat foods higher in potassium are less likely to have strokes and die than women who eat less potassium-rich foods, according to new research in the American Heart Association's journal Stroke. Previous studies have shown th...

  • 欧洲心血管疾病的死亡率下降

    14-08-21 Parts of Europe are reaching a tipping point where cardiovascular disease is no longer the leading cause of death, a study shows. 一项研究显示,在欧洲部分地区,心血管疾病已经不是一个主要死因,达到了临界点。 Four million deaths each year - nearly hal...

  • Horrible Deaths

    14-08-21 Three men were standing in line to get into heaven one day. Apparently it had been a pretty busy day, though, so St. Peter had to tell the first one, Heaven's getting pretty close to full today, and I've been asked to admit only people who have had...

  • 美国影星罗宾·威廉姆斯疑似自杀身亡

    14-08-15 当地时间8月11日,美国著名影星罗宾威廉姆斯在加州寓所突然去世,终年63岁。警方发表的声明初步判断威廉姆斯系自杀。 Oscar-winning actor and comedian Robin Williams was found dead on Monday from an apparent suicide at his home in Northern California, Marin...

  • 每日五种蔬果 保持身体健康

    14-08-09 British nutritionists threw down the gauntlet to dietary guidelines in April by declaring seven daily portions of fresh fruit and vegetables, rather than the recommended five, were the key to health. 英国营养学家在四月份向既定的食谱指南发起挑战,宣...

  • 《权力的游戏》第四季精彩语句

    14-08-06 Know your strengths, use them wisely and one man can be worth ten thousand. 知道你的长处,并善加利用,一人就可当万人。 A man with no motive is a man no one suspects. Always keep your foes confused. 没有动机的人不会被人怀疑。不要让你的敌人看清你的意...

  • 《权力的游戏》精彩语句

    14-08-06 Can a man still be brave if he's afraid? That is the only time a man can be brave. 一个人如果害怕,还能勇敢么? 人只有在害怕的时候才会变勇敢...

  • 极度肥胖最多可使寿命缩短14年

    14-07-10 Adults with extreme obesity have increased risks of dying at a young age from cancer and many other causes including heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and kidney and liver diseases, according to results of an analysis of data pooled from 20 large stu...