• 火星上发现埋藏的液态水湖泊

    20-11-17 科学家们在火星南极附近发现了三个地下湖泊。他们还证实了第四个湖泊的存在。 The chances of life surviving on the surface of Mars today are slim. The Red Planet is a desert, where temperatures routinely drop below -60C. But there might be places below g...

  • 巴西发现在沙漠生存的食肉恐龙化石

    19-06-28 A desert-based carnivorous dinosaur that used claws to capture small prey 90 million years ago has been unearthed in southern Brazil, scientists said Wednesday. 巴西南部出土一种9000万年前在沙漠地区生活的食肉恐龙化石,这种恐龙利用前爪捕食小猎物。 Jus...

  • 中国海水稻在迪拜沙漠种植成功

    18-05-31 Rice developed in China that can be planted in seawater has been successfully grown in a test field in Dubai, reports the Xinhua News Agency. 新华社报道,中国研发的可以在海水中栽种的水稻已成功在迪拜一处试验田种植成功。 Seawater rice, also known as s...

  • 中国宇航员完成沙漠生存训练

    18-05-28 Fifteen Chinese astronauts have just completed desert survival training deep in the Badain Jaran Desert near Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China. 15名中国宇航员在酒泉卫星发射中心附近的巴丹吉林沙漠深处完成沙漠生存训练。 Organized by th...

  • 几组拼写易混淆的单词

    16-12-16 1. dessert / desert 甜点 / 沙漠 If you make the main course, Ill make a dessert. 如果你做主菜,那我就来做甜食。 the desert sun 沙漠里的太阳 2. definitely / defiantly 绝对地 / 挑衅地 He definitely said hed be here. 他肯定地说了他会到这里来的。 a defi...

  • 纳米比亚沙漠大象传递知识以生存

    16-08-04 Despite reported differences in appearance and behavior, DNA evidence finds that Namibian desert elephants share the same DNA as African savanna elephants. However, Namibian desert-dwelling elephants should be protected so they can continue to pass...

  • food desert 食品荒漠

    16-02-16 Food desert refers to an area where fresh food is either non-existent or too expensive. 食品荒漠是指没有新鲜食品或这种食品价格极贵的地区。 看了以上定义,你也许对此还是没啥概念。憋急!我们来看看对此问题颇感头大的美国农业部是怎么解释的: What is a foo...

  • 埃及居民夏日沙浴治疗疾病

    15-09-05 The hot desert sands seem the most unlikely place to 'take a bath' in the height of summer but locals in western Egypt believe it is the natural way to cure many medical conditions. 炎炎夏日,炎热的沙漠似乎是最不可能洗浴的地方,但是埃及西部的当地居...

  • 放弃的几种表达

    15-06-08 Give up指放弃努力、投降;abandon强调不再关心或支持;desert的指责意味更强;forsake用于对亲密关系的放弃。 Give up 的意思是认输、停止努力。 比如某宅男看到女神躺在高富帅的怀里,就留下一句祝你幸福转身走开,这就叫give her up。 Abandon 的意思是彻底放弃,不...

  • 戈壁滩机场将于夏初对外开放

    15-03-18 A civil airport located in northwest China's Gobi Desert is to open by early summer. 一座民用机场将于夏初在中国西北戈壁滩对外开放。 According to China West Airport Group, the new facility is about 2,900 meters above sea level, and is located in Huat...