• 对抗埃博拉 科特迪瓦兴起肥皂桶挑战

    14-08-29 A young man on camera names the person who's challenged him to dump the contents of a bucket over his head. But in a twist on the ice bucket challenge, this man is soon drenched in frothy, soapy water -- part of a campaign to raise awareness about E...

  • 科学家发现埃博拉病毒的源头

    14-08-29 一个由多国科学家组成的研究团队宣称找到此次埃博拉病毒大爆发的源头:一名2岁男孩被感染该病毒的果蝠叮咬。 The largest outbreak of the deadly disease Ebola was caused by an infected bat biting a toddler, say a group of international researchers. The 17-s...

  • 埃博拉病毒在民主刚果爆发

    14-08-25 The Democratic Republic of Congo has confirmed that an outbreak of haemorrhagic fever in the north of the country has been identified as Ebola. 刚果民主共和国政府证实,国内北部地区爆发的出血热疫情实则埃博拉病毒。 Health Minister Felix Numbi told the...

  • 心力衰竭在中低收入国家是很大的健康负担

    14-08-14 Heart failure is a major public health burden in many low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), with substantial variation in the presentation, causes, management, and outcomes of heart failure across different LMICs, according to a study published...

  • 工程师创造出功能性3D类脑组织

    14-08-13 Bioengineers have created three-dimensional brain-like tissue that functions like and has structural features similar to tissue in the rat brain and that can be kept alive in the lab for more than two months. As a first demonstration of its potentia...

  • 可能导致精神分裂症的80个基因

    14-07-22 Scientists have uncovered 80 previously unknown genes which may put people at risk of developing schizophrenia, research in Nature suggests. 《自然》杂志的研究显示,科学家发现了80个以前未知的基因,这些基因有可能使人们患上精神分裂症。 The team says t...

  • 1/3的阿尔茨海默症可预防

    14-07-14 One in three cases of Alzheimer's disease worldwide is preventable, according to research from the University of Cambridge. 剑桥大学的一项研究显示,1/3的阿尔茨海默症病例是可以预防的。 The main risk factors for the disease are a lack of exercise, smo...

  • May Disease 五月病

    14-07-10 May Disease is a common kind of minor depression in Japan. Almost all students enter new schools or universities in April. Most new company employees also start in April each year. Then there is a long Golden Week holiday at the beginning of May. Pe...

  • 猪鞭虫基因组有助自身免疫疾病的治疗

    14-06-24 An international team, composed of 11 institutions from six countries, including BGI, presented the whole-genome sequence of Trichuris suis, a parasitic worm in pig. Understanding the genetics mechanisms underlying the pig parasite may aid to modify...

  • 激活身体免疫系统对抗癌症

    14-06-04 New research on innovative immunotherapies for advanced or high-risk melanoma(黑素瘤) and cervical(子宫颈的) cancer were presented today at the 50th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO). These treatments -- used alo...