• 成都交警将整治车顶玩偶现象

    18-03-26 Starting on Monday, drivers in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, caught sticking dolls onto the exterior of their car will be hit with a 200 yuan fine and two demerit points, according to a report at newssc.org. 四川新闻网报道,从本周一开始,成都的轿车外部...

  • 泰国最近刮起追捧仿真玩偶的热潮

    16-01-31 A craze for lifelike dolls thought to bring good luck is sweeping Thailand, reflecting widespread anxiety as the economy struggles and political uncertainty persists nearly two years after a coup. 泰国最近刮起了一股追捧仿真玩偶的热潮,据说这种玩偶能...

  • 英国退休老人26年时间打造高仿真娃娃屋

    15-02-02 A proud pensioner has spent 26 years creating the ultimate life-like dolls house. 一名充满活力的退休老人花费26年的时间打造出了一座高仿真娃娃屋。 Leonard Martin constructed the intricate house from scratch as a way to fill his time. But he soon becam...

  • The Secret To A Happy Marriage

    14-12-09 A man and woman had been married for more than 65 years. They had shared everything. They had talked about everything. They had kept no secrets from each other except that the little old woman had a shoe box in the top of her closet that she had cau...

  • 美国厂商按要为女孩设计贝兹娃娃

    13-10-06 8-year-old Angelina Giani of Boca Raton, Florida is a huge fan of Bratz dolls with over 30 in her collection. 美国佛罗里达州博卡拉顿一个名叫安杰利娜贾尼的8岁女孩是贝兹娃娃的超级粉丝,迄今为止,她已经收集了30个贝兹娃娃。 But when she started to notic...

  • 充气娃娃竟是希特勒发明

    11-07-17 近日一名作家在探寻芭比娃娃起源时发现了一个惊天内幕:二战时期希特勒为了遏制性病在军中传播蔓延,就定制了50个充气性玩具。这些金发碧眼的充气娃娃用硅胶作为原材料,并可随身携带。 Adolf Hitler (right) ordered sex dolls after Heinrich Himmler (left) said it...
