• F1车手儒勒·比安奇的葬礼在法国尼斯举办

    15-07-22 The world of motorsports gathered in the southern French city of Nice for the funeral of Formula One driver Jules Bianchi. 赛车运动爱好者聚集法国南部城市尼斯参加F1车手儒勒比安奇的葬礼。 Fellow drivers Sebastian Vettel and Felipe Massa were among the...

  • 等红灯的司机呼吸着污染严重的空气

    15-02-16 UK commuters spend an average of about 1.5 hours a day at the wheel. Road vehicles in particular are known to emit polluting nanoparticles which contribute to respiratory and heart diseases. Now, researchers at the University of Surrey have found th...

  • 温哥华港集装箱车司机举行罢工

    14-03-11 Shipping in the Canadian city of Vancouver has been disruted as container lorry drivers go on strike. 加拿大城市温哥华的轮船运输业陷入混乱,因集装箱卡车司机正在举行罢工。 As many as 400 drivers joined a picket line on Monday after a near-unanimous u...

  • 近20%司机曾在开车时打瞌睡

    13-11-03 Almost one in five drivers have dozed off behind the wheel, a shocking new report has revealed. 一份报告称,近1/5的汽车司机曾在开车时打瞌睡。 Of those who were nodding off, a worrying three in ten (29 per cent) have done so on the motorway doing spe...

  • 开车时发短信的危险

    13-10-14 US research reveals that 4 out of 5 college student drivers have used their cell phones to send or receive text messages while driving despite the majority recognizing that the activity represents a risk. Garold Lantz and Sandra Loeb of the McGowan...

  • 纽约州内主干道设立短信区

    13-09-29 为了遏制司机开车发短信的行为,美国纽约州近日宣布将在州内交通主干道沿线设立91个短信区,并沿路设指示牌,提醒司机短信区就在前方,不用急着看手机。 An ATT survey earlier this year showed that 49 percent of adult drivers text while driving that's a lot of...

  • 开蓝色宝马的男性更具攻击性

    13-08-16 英国一家网站最近一项针对驾驶习惯和行为的调查发现,开蓝色宝马车的男性比其它车型的驾车者更具攻击性,最易爆发路怒症的驾车者也是年龄在35到50岁之间的蓝色宝马驾车者。 Men who drive blue BMWs are more likely to be aggressive than motorists in any other car...

  • 长途驾驶喝咖啡有助减少车祸

    13-03-22 Long-distance lorry drivers who drink coffee have fewer road traffic accidents, research suggests. 研究发现,喝咖啡的长途货车司机出车祸的次数较少。 Australian investigators say they found the link while comparing 530 heavy goods vehicle drivers who...

  • 冰雪探测器可预警路面交通状况

    13-01-24 VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland has developed an automatic slipperiness(滑溜) detection system for cars. The system helps drivers to avoid personal injuries and damage to vehicles in slippery road conditions. Thanks to the system, vehicle...

  • 车贴和娱乐设备易引发交通事故

    12-10-21 Nearly two million drivers in the UK have had accidents due to 'Baby On Board' signs and children's toys that obscure their view, according to alarming new research. 最新研究表明,英国有大约200万名司机曾因车贴和儿童玩具发生过交通事故。这些写有车里有...