• 杭州出租车上出现迷你“便利店”

    18-01-18 From January 10, 2018, passengers in Hangzhou, capital of Zhejiang Province, can shop in some of the citys taxis, Qianjiang Evening News reported. 《钱江晚报》报道,从2018年1月10日开始,杭州的乘客可以在部分出租车上购物。 A Beijing-based retail compa...

  • 安装脸部识别系统政治乱过马路

    17-06-14 Authorities in the eastern Chinese provinces of Shandong and Jiangsu have begun installing red-light cameras in a number of cities, reports CCTV. 中央电视台报道,山东省和江苏省地方政府已开始在一些城市安装红灯摄像头。 The technology captures the imag...

  • 日本某出租车公司推出“沉默司机”试运行活动

    17-04-23 A cab company in one of Japans major cities is trialling a new feature by introducing silent taxi drivers. 日本某大城市的一家出租车公司推出沉默司机试运行活动。 Miyako Taxi, which is based in Kyoto, unveiled the new idea last month without much fanfa...

  • ghost drivers 幽灵司机

    16-12-17 Chinese customers of ride-hailing app Uber have been getting their ride requests answered by scammers who have come to be known as ghost drivers , The Paper reported Sunday. 据澎湃新闻报道:国内优步用户叫车时遭遇刷单行为,这些刷单司机被称为幽灵司机...

  • 后车窗贴女鬼贴纸 专治乱开远光灯

    16-11-30 Sick of getting temporarily blinded by drivers using their high-beam headlights at night, more and more Chinese are equipping the rear windows of their cars with scary reflective decals featuring ghosts, vampires or monsters. 因为受不了夜间其他司机...

  • 日本某县开车不看手机送咖啡券

    16-10-07 In a bid to convince drivers in Aichi Prefecture to keep their hands on the wheel and their eyes on the road, a new Japanese smartphone app offers free coffee coupons to drivers who dont check their phones for at least 100 km. 为了督促爱知县的司机认...

  • 北京救护车将打表计价

    16-05-02 Ambulances in Beijing will be fitted with taxi-style meters in an effort to allay public concerns about overcharging. 为免公众诟病救护车收费过高,北京救护车将采用类似出租车的打表计价系统。 From May, the emergency vehicles will charge a fixed rate of...

  • 上海警方公布36名终生禁驾人

    16-04-06 Shanghai police on Tuesday released a list of 36 citizens who have been banned from driving for life. 上海警方周二公布了一份包含36人的终生禁驾名单。 This is the first time the local police have publicly shamed the drivers by publishing a list of tho...

  • 日本不少的士司机曾载过鬼乘客

    16-01-31 In a chilling turn of events, some taxi drivers in Japan are claiming to have picked up ghost passengers in the aftermath of the tsunami that devastated the nation in March 2011. As many as seven of the 100 drivers interviewed by Yuka Kudo, a studen...

  • 澳洲司机不喝酒即有机会获酒馆代金券

    15-08-23 Townsville Police have come up with a unique way of stopping drivers from drink driving - rewarding those who 'blow zero' with the chance to win a $50 pub voucher. 为整治酒后驾车,澳大利亚汤斯维尔警察想出一个绝招:经过呼气酒精测试仪检测,酒精浓度为...