• 《消失的爱人》精彩词句

    23-01-30 1. What type are you? Corn-fed, salt-of-the-earth Missouri guy. 你是什么类型的人?朴实的密苏里州正派人。 2. Amy, you know what would make dads night. 艾米,你知道今晚怎么做会让父亲高兴。 3. Is she kind of standoffish? 她是不是有点冷漠? 4. Sir, please...

  • 《沉睡魔咒》第7章

    23-01-28 With Diaval to be her eyes and ears, Maleficent was no longer in the dark. A wave of her hand and he could be changed back into a raven, allowing him to fly over the countryside with ease and gather news of the kingdom. Returning home from his first...

  • Are you there? 你在听吗?

    22-11-15 Are you there? 这句话并不是问你的人在不在那儿,而是你的心思在不在那儿,它的真正意思就是你在听我说话吗。 Are you there? 你在听吗? =Are you listening to me? 你在听我说吗? Where was I? 我说到哪了? 说话被人打断后,我们很容易忘记刚刚说到哪了,这时候你...

  • 《魔发奇缘》第20章

    22-09-08 Before long, Rapunzel and Flynn reached the kingdoms gates. Pascal rode atop Maximuss head, grasping his ears and using them as reins. The little chameleon felt as if it was the biggest day of his life, too! As they approached a bridge and a group o...

  • 高分贝噪音的危险

    22-05-18 你常去听演唱会吗?你喜欢戴耳机听歌吗?优美的旋律能放松心情,但如果音量太高,就可能会损坏听力。 Many of us love live music listening to the singer belting out classics we love to sing along to. But while it can be lots of fun nodding our heads to the...

  • 几组拼写易混淆的英文单词

    22-05-12 1. socialite / socialist 社交名流 / 社会主义者 例句: a wealthy socialite 富有的社交界名流 He was a socialist all his life. 他一生都是个社会主义者。 2. definitely / defiantly 绝对地 / 挑衅地 例句: He definitely said hed be here. 他肯定地说了他会到...