• 日本降低经济增长目标

    11-04-13 The Japanese government has downgraded its assessment of the economy in the wake of the devastation caused by last month's earthquake and tsunami. 受上月地震和海啸的影响,日本政府降低了对今年经济形势的评估。 It said key areas of the economy, includi...

  • 日本进入核辐射最高警戒状态

    11-03-29 Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan has said his government is in a state of maximum alert over the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant. 日本首相菅直人称,其政府对福岛核电站保持着最高的警戒状态。 Japan is in for the long haul in coping with nuclear fallo...

  • 日本地震与“超级月亮”无关

    11-03-26 上周六晚现身的超级月亮照亮了各国的夜空,同时也打破了其与日本地震相关的传言。 The rare lunar occurrence, when Earth's natural satellite is only a mere 356,575 kilometers out in orbit, brings the moon to its closest position to Earth. The 'maximal per...

  • 缅甸地震:50多人死亡

    11-03-25 More than 50 people have died in a magnitude-6.8 earthquake in Burma which struck near the Lao and Thai borders. 缅甸与老挝、泰国交界附近地区发生6.8级地震,50多人死亡。 Patients in Chiang Rai, Thailand, were evacuated from a hospital following the e...

  • 日本海啸死亡人数上万

    11-03-25 The death toll from Japan's 11 March earthquake and tsunami has topped 10,000, police say. 日本警方称,311地震和海啸造成的死亡人数已上升至10000人。 More than 17,440 people are listed as missing, and 2,775 as injured. Many hundreds of thousands of pe...

  • 2010年末 新西兰经济略有增长

    11-03-24 New Zealand's economy grew slightly in the last three months of the year, managing to avoid a recession. 2010年第四季度,新西兰经济略有增长,成功避免了一场经济危机。 Gross domestic product expanded 0.2% in the three months to the end of December, ac...

  • 日本灾后重建需要五年时间

    11-03-21 Japan may need up to five years to rebuild from the disastrous earthquake and tsunami that has caused up to $235bn (145bn) of damage, the World Bank said in a report. 世界银行的一份报告显示,日本可能需要多达五年的时间来重建被地震和海啸毁坏的地区。据...

  • 日本核泄漏救援工作积极有效

    11-03-21 The United Nations nuclear agency says there have been positive developments in Japan's efforts to tackle a nuclear emergency after the 11 March quake. 联合国原子能机构称,日本在对待311大地震所引发的核泄漏所做的救援工作是富有成效的。 The IAEA said s...

  • 奥巴马演讲 我们会和日本人民站在一起

    11-03-21 THE PRESIDENT: Good afternoon, everyone. Over the last several days, the American people have been both heartbroken and deeply concerned about the developments in Japan. Weve seen an earthquake and tsunami render(提出,实施) unimaginable -- an uni...

  • 核辐射致蔓延 东京变“鬼城”

    11-03-20 Areas of Tokyo usually packed with office workers like sushi restaurants and noodle shops were eerily quiet. Many schools were closed. Companies allowed workers to stay home. Long queues formed at airports. 在东京,往日挤满上班族的寿司店和面馆如今静...