• 越来越多的物种濒于灭绝

    10-10-27 One fifth of animal and plant species are under the threat of extinction, a global conservation study has warned. 一项全球环境保护研究警告,五分之一的动物和植物处于灭绝的边缘。 Some 13% of birds qualify for inclusion on the Red List Scientists who c...

  • 研究:地球物种每2700万年灭绝一次

    10-07-17 Life on Earth is wiped out every 27 million years and we have about 16 million years left until the next extinction, according to scientists. 科学家称,地球上的生命每隔2700万年就会被灭绝一次,我们到下一次大灭绝之前还有约1600万年时间。 Research into...

  • 研究:气候因素导致麝牛灭绝

    10-03-09 A team of scientists has discovered that the drastic(激烈的,猛烈的) decline in Arctic musk ox(麝牛) populations that began roughly 12,000 years ago was due to a warming climate rather than to human hunting. This is the first study to use ancien...

  • 天体碰撞导致恐龙灭绝的理论被确证

    10-03-05 An international panel of experts has strongly endorsed evidence that a space impact was behind the mass extinction event that killed off the dinosaurs. 一个国际专家小组强烈支持一场太空大碰撞导致地球上恐龙灭绝的理论。 The dinosaurs were one of many...

  • 一男子因吃食稀有老虎获刑

    09-12-23 A Chinese man has been jailed for 12 years for killing and eating a rare Indochinese tiger. 一名中国男子因杀死并吃掉一只稀有的印度支那虎而被判处12年有期徒刑。 Fewer than 1,800 Indochinese tigers are thought to be living in the wild Kang Wannian, a v...

  • 物种灭绝的威胁增加

    09-11-03 More than a third of species assessed in a major international biodiversity study are threatened with extinction, s cientists have warned. 科学家警告,一项主要的国际生物多样性研究评估得出结论,超过三分之一的物种处于灭绝的危险之中。 The Kihansi spray...

  • New fears for species extinctions 物种灭绝引发新的担忧

    09-10-12 Scientists have warned of an alarming increase in the extinction of animal species, because of threats to biodiversity and ecosystems. 科学家就动物物种灭绝速率的惊人上升提出警告,因为生物品种和生态系统正遭到威胁。 Scientists say nations have not hon...

  • Launch for amphibian 'life raft' 两栖动物“救生筏”活动开启

    09-08-27 Conservationists have launched a new initiative aimed at safeguarding the world's amphibians from extinction. 自然资源保护论者已经发起一项保护世界上两栖动物免于灭绝的运动。 The Amphibian Survival Alliance will bring together existing projects and or...

  • 'Extinction threat' to flying fox 过度捕杀,果蝠“面临绝迹”

    09-08-26 Scientists are urging the government of Malaysia to ban the hunting of the world's largest fruit bat. 科学家正试图说服马来西亚政府禁止猎杀世界上最大的果蝠。 Scientists attached collars to the bats to track their movements by satellite Researchers sa...

  • Extinction hits 'whole families' 物种灭绝涉及到“整个家族”

    09-08-10 Whole chunks of life are lost in extinction events, as related species vanish together, say scientists. 科学家发现,整个生命的盒子消失于物种灭绝事件之中,相关联的物种全部一起消失了。 The fossil record of marine bivalves dates back to the Jurassic pe...