• 某男子贩卖假冒迪斯尼门票被判刑

    16-12-23 A man was convicted of fraud and sentenced to three years and three months in prison by a Shanghai court on Thursday for selling fake tickets to the citys Disney theme park. 本周四,某男子因出售假冒迪斯尼乐园门票被上海一家法院以欺诈罪判处有期徒刑3年...

  • fauxmance 捏造恋情

    16-08-10 Fauxmance is a fake romance, particularly one used to generate publicity for the participants. 捏造恋情指的是虚假恋情,尤指为了增加知名度而捏造出来的恋情。 Celebrities pretend to be romantically involved in order to obtain press coverage. 明星假装陷...

  • Fake-ation 不像假期的假期

    13-08-07 Fake-ation is a vacation where a significant amount of time is spent reading email and performing other work-related tasks, also spelled as fakeation or fakation. Fake-ation指休假期间大部分时间都用来查阅电子邮件及完成与工作相关的任务,可称之为不像假...

  • 澳洲“衣领炸弹案”疑犯被判刑

    12-11-20 A man who locked a fake bomb around the neck of a teenage girl in an apparent extortion attempt has been jailed for 13-and-a-half years by an Australian court. 澳大利亚某男子将一颗假炸弹绑在一位少女脖子上企图敲诈,最终被法院判有期徒刑13年半。 Paul D...

  • 专家号召全球性打击假药

    12-11-14 A global treaty to crack down on the deadly trade of fake medicines is urgently needed, say experts. 专家称,打击假药销售的全球性协议迫切需要达成。 Currently, there are more sanctions around the use of illegal tobacco than counterfeit drugs(假药)...

  • 秘鲁缴获230万假美币

    12-08-02 Police in Peru say they have seized $2.3m in counterfeit notes. 秘鲁警方称,他们缴获了230万美元假币。 They say the notorious Quispe Rodriguez family clan is behind the production of fake currency. Peruvian police chief, Raul Salazar, said the gang w...

  • 《牛仔裤的夏天2》二

    11-09-19 影片对白 Carmens mother: The movers are coming tomorrow. Carmen: I thought we weren't moving till August. Carmens mother: Oh, I know, but David felt that we should move sooner. Carmen: Mom, guess what. I got cast in a play. Carmens mother: Nena, tha...

  • fake invoice 假发票

    11-08-23 China's police departments will launch a 30-day campaign starting Wednesday to hunt down fugitives who are suspected of having committed a crime known as fake invoice fraud. 中国公安部门将于本周三起开展为期30天的行动,追捕假发票诈骗案件的犯罪嫌疑人...

  • Japanese couples rely on fake friends 日本“租友”业兴旺

    09-09-27 The first guest-for-hire company was established about nine years ago.Japanese couples, too busy for a normal social life, are increasingly turning to actors to play their friends on the most important days of their lives. Japanese couples, too busy...

  • Frida Kahlo 'fakes' investigated 艺术家Kahlo“假作品”事件展

    09-09-24 A probe has been launched into claims that artworks featured in books about Mexican artist Frida Kahlo are fakes. 针对有关墨西哥艺术家Frida Kahlo作品中的插图是伪造的说法的一项调查已经展开。 Frida Kahlo, who died at the age of 47, was known for her b...