• 中印将合作拍摄《大唐玄奘》

    15-05-15 One of Bollywood's major production companies Eros International and China Film Corp have agreed to co-produce new movie Monk Xuan Zang. 宝莱坞制片公司之一爱神国际与中国电影集团将合作拍摄新电影《大唐玄奘》。 The film is the first to be made using a...

  • mushroom head 西瓜头

    15-05-13 Those who wore it risked being called a ' mushroom head ' by the less fashion forward at school but that hasn't prevented the bowl cut from making an unlikely comeback. 这种发型在学校里会被比较老土的人叫成蘑菇头,但是这并不能阻挡西瓜头发型的强势逆袭...

  • 《横冲直撞好莱坞》北京举行首映

    15-04-22 A new romantic comedy Hollywood Adventures has premiered in Beijing. 浪漫喜剧《横冲直撞好莱坞》在北京举行首映式。 The film stars Vicki Zhao, Huang Xiaoming and Tong Dawei. The film is about a pair of friends, Huang Xiaoming and Tong Dawei, who visit...

  • 第五届北京国际电影节今日开幕

    15-04-16 The 5th Beijing International Film Festival officially kicks off with an opening ceremony today. 第五届北京国际电影节开幕典礼将于今日举行。 Over 300 Chinese and international movies will be available for screening. International films scheduled to b...

  • 《极品飞车2》将由中美联合制作

    15-04-09 A sequel to last year's blockbuster film, Need for Speed is in the works, with the same Chinese partners that helped Paramount make Transformers: Age of Extinction. 去年的卖座大片《极品飞车》续集正在制作中,合作方是帮助制作派拉蒙《变形金刚4:绝境重...

  • 《万物生长》在北京举行首映

    15-03-30 Chinese film Ever Since We Love has premiered in Beijing. 中国影片《万物生长》已在北京举行首映。 Director Li Yu and actors Han Geng and Fan Bingbing have turned out for the event. The film is based on Chinese writer and poet Feng Tang's novel of the...

  • 《权力的游戏》可能不止拍七季

    15-03-27 Game of Thrones showrunners D.B. Weiss and David Benioff have said that they envision their HBO series ending after seven seasons. However, HBO has an appetite for even more Westeros. 《权力的游戏》的主创人员DB威斯和大卫贝尼奥夫称,他们计划用七季来...

  • 官方确认《冰雪奇缘2》正在制作中

    15-03-22 Frozen 2 has been officially announced by Disney. 迪士尼官方消息,《冰雪奇缘2》终于要来了。 A sequel to the smash hit film was hotly anticipated by fans and largely expected, but it has now been confirmed that the movie is in development. 'Forecast:...

  • 邦德最新电影《幽灵党》罗马开拍

    15-03-04 The latest Bond filming has hit Rome. 邦德最新电影《幽灵党》已在罗马开拍。 Cars have been seen racing along the streets leading to St. Peter's Basilica at the Vatican. Director Sam Mendes film - SPECTRE - is going to be shooting in Rome for the next...

  • 电影相关词汇

    15-03-04 Movie Genres 电影种类 thrillers 惊悚片 science fiction 科幻片 comedies 喜剧片 romantic comedies/romcoms 浪漫喜剧片 westerns 西部片 costume dramas 古装剧 horror 恐怖片 animated film 动画片 action 动作片 historical film 历史片 swordsmen film 武侠片 de...