• 《烛台背后》赢得2013届艾美奖

    13-09-23 The Liberace biopic Behind the Candelabra has taken the top honours at this year's Emmy awards, held in Los Angeles on Sunday. 上周日在洛杉矶举办的本年度艾美奖颁奖典礼上,列勃拉斯传记电影《烛台背后》摘得桂冠。 The film, shown on the cable network HB...

  • 罗琳将执笔创作哈利波特外传剧本

    13-09-13 华纳兄弟公司宣布,哈利波特系列小说的作者JK罗琳将执笔创作该系列电影的外传剧本,外传系列名为神奇动物在哪里,与哈利在魔法学校时使用的课本同名。新片的背景定在哈利波特诞生70年前的纽约,故事将围绕着魔法动物学家纽特斯卡曼德展开。罗琳表示,新系列电影不是哈...

  • 2015年夏蝙蝠侠超人将在同一影片中出现

    13-08-23 Ben Affleck has been cast as Batman in a forthcoming Superman sequel, bringing together the two superheroes in one film for the first time. 本阿弗莱克将在下一场超人续集中扮演蝙蝠侠,这将是两大超级英雄首次在同一影片中亮相。 The two superheroes will d...

  • 不要滥用四字格翻译

    13-06-26 高雅化趋势 翻译中的第二个趋向是高雅化,即译者在处理部分字句段落时抛开原文的字面意思和风格,一味追求高雅的大词,人为拔高。这样做如果字面意义没有重大出入,原文风格又比较文雅,那么就是精彩的译文。但一味求雅,风险很大,可能会导致两个方面的问题:一是损害...

  • 暴躁猫主题电影即将开拍

    13-06-11 It is the news that will bring hope to Lil Bub, the goats that yell like humans and other wannabe meme film stars everywhere: Grumpy Cat, the moody feline queen of Facebook, looks set to get her very own movie. 这条新闻会给小猫李二宝宝(Lil Bub)、...

  • 《暮色4:破晓(下)》夺六项金酸莓奖

    13-03-01 The final Twilight movie won six Razzie awards, which salute the most terrible talent in the film industry on the eve of the Oscars. 在奥斯卡颁奖典礼的前夜,《暮色》系列电影的完结篇《暮色4:破晓(下)》勇夺六项金酸莓大奖。金酸莓奖的设立旨在评选最差...

  • 看恐怖片消耗的热量增多

    12-11-02 Watching a horror film could burn off a whole bar of chocolate, according to new research released today. 根据今天发布的最新研究,观看一部恐怖片让人消耗的热量相当于一根巧克力棒所含的热量。 Viewers who put themselves through 90 minutes of adrenaline...

  • 美国公司1000万邀哈里拍成人电影

    12-09-01 哈里王子裸照风波刚刚过去几天,最近又有人拿这事儿让王室难堪。美国一家成人影片制作公司近日致信哈里王子,称愿意出价1000万美元邀请哈里出演一部以他本人为主角的成人电影。 Just days after Prince Harry\s naked photos surfaced, the slinger of salaciaous at V...

  • Spoiler 剧透

    12-07-03 Spoiler is a piece of information about a film, book or electronic game which can spoil the enjoyment of someone experiencing it for the first time. Spoiler指与电影、书籍或者游戏内容有关的信息,即我们所说的剧透,这类信息会大大减少初看者了解剧情或者...

  • 2012戛纳电影节无女导演入围

    12-05-16 The Cannes Film Festival opens later with US director Wes Anderson's film Moonrise Kingdom. 今年戛纳电影节将以美国导演韦斯安德森的电影 《月升王国》开...