• 美国20年最伟大的荧屏形象 荷马·辛普森居榜首

    10-06-05 Beer-swilling, doughnut-lover Homer Simpson has been named the greatest character created for television and film in the past 20 years. 电视剧《辛普森一家》中爱喝啤酒、爱吃甜甜圈的荷马辛普森日前被评为美国20年来最伟大的荧屏形象。 The cover of Enterta...

  • 《拆弹部队》制作公司打击非法网络共享

    10-06-03 Voltage Pictures, the company behind Oscar-winning film The Hurt Locker, has filed lawsuits against alleged illegal file-sharers of the movie in the US. 奥斯卡获奖电影《拆弹部队》制作公司沃尔太奇影片公司在美国针对传播该影片的非法文件共享者提起诉讼。...

  • 第63届戛纳电影节圆满结束

    10-05-30 北京时间5月24日凌晨,第63届戛纳国际电影节在法国戛纳电影宫圆满落下帷幕,泰国电影《能召回前世的布米叔叔》爆冷摘得本届电影节最高奖项金棕榈奖。 Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives Thai film Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives has won the...

  • 比尔·康登将执导《暮光之城·破晓》

    10-04-30 Bill Condon will direct Breaking Dawn - the fourth instalment in the Twilight series of vampire movies. 比尔康登将执导吸血鬼系列电影《暮光之城》第四集《破晓》。 Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson will return for the fourth film Summit Entertainmen...

  • 好莱坞、宝莱坞联合打击盗版

    10-03-21 Film-makers in the US and India have formed a coalition aimed at fighting piracy in the South Asian nation. 美国和印度的电影制片人结成联盟,旨在打击南亚各国的盗版行为。 Box office takings drop hugely because of piracy The Motion Picture Association...

  • 桑德拉·布洛克封后“金酸莓奖”

    10-03-13 Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen was picked as last year's worst picture at Saturday's Razzies, and Sandra Bullock won worst actress for All About Steve on the eve of her Academy Awards triumph for another film. 一年一度的金酸莓奖于上周六揭晓,《...

  • 本届奥斯卡颁奖典礼收视率近五年来最高

    10-03-10 This year's Oscars ceremony was the most watched in the US for five years, early figures suggest. 初步统计数据显示,本届奥斯卡颁奖典礼在美国是近五年以来收视率最高的一次。 More then 41 million viewers tuned in to the ceremony Analysts Nielsen Company...

  • 《拆弹部队》冲刺奥斯卡最佳影片

    10-03-07 The final countdown to the 2010 Oscars has begun, with The Hurt Locker and Avatar going head-to-head for the coveted best picture award. 2010年奥斯卡颁奖典礼开始倒数计时,《拆弹部队》和《阿凡达》就最佳影片奖展开了激烈竞争。 The Hurt Locker is tipped...

  • 日本连续七年最受欢迎的男演员:强尼·戴普

    10-03-06 Moviegoers in Japan can't get enough of Johnny Depp: The Pirates of the Caribbean star has been named favorite actor for a record seventh straight year in a survey by Japanese film magazine Screen. 强尼戴普对于日本影迷的吸引力长久不衰。据日本电影杂...

  • 美军官起诉《拆弹部队》侵权

    10-03-06 在《拆弹部队》制片人尼古拉斯夏蒂尔违规拉票被取消出席3月7日举行的颁奖典礼的资格后,这部电影的制片方近日又被一位美国军官起诉,称影片情节盗用了他的真实经历,甚至连影片片名The Hurt Locker这个说法也是出自他之口。不过,电影公司发言人坚称,影片中的场景和人...