• 美国女演员布兰妮·墨菲逝世

    09-12-21 Actress Brittany Murphy, star of Hollywood films such as Clueless and 8 Mile, has died at age 32 after collapsing at home in Los Angeles. 好莱坞电影《独领风骚》和《8里公路》的主演,女演员布兰妮墨菲猝死于洛杉矶家中,享年32岁。 Murphy was married to B...

  • 金球奖提名揭晓 《悬而未决》领跑

    09-12-20 Film drama Up in the Air soared away with six Golden Globe nominations on Tuesday, more than any film, while Sandra Bullock, Meryl Streep and Matt Damon each earned two nominations for the major awards show. 金球奖提名于本周二揭晓,剧情片《悬而未决...

  • 吸血鬼电影《曙光之城》打破北美票房记录

    09-11-22 The new Twilight vampire movie took a record $26.3m (15.9m) in midnight showings at North American box offices, studio Summit Entertainment has said. 顶峰娱乐工作室称,午夜期间放映的吸血鬼电影《曙光之城》在北美创下了2630万美元的票房。 The Twilight S...

  • 詹妮弗·哈德森将出演曼德拉前妻Winnie

    09-11-20 Hollywood actress Jennifer Hudson is to play Nelson Mandela's ex-wife, Winnie, in a film about her life, reports say. 好莱坞女演员詹妮弗哈德森将要在一部电影中扮演纳尔逊曼德拉的前妻Winnie,该剧主要讲述Winnie的生平事迹。 Ms Madikizela-Mandela is still...

  • 导演伊斯威特被授予法国荣誉勋章

    09-11-16 Hollywood legend Clint Eastwood has been made a commander in France's prestigious Legion of Honour. 好莱坞传奇人物克林伊斯威特加冕法国声名显赫的荣誉勋章。 Clint Eastwood has promised he will learn French French President Nicolas Sarkozy presented th...

  • 五部电影竞争奥斯卡最佳动画片

    09-11-13 There will be five films vying to win the Oscar for best animated film next year after a record 20 movies were submitted for consideration. 据悉,明年将有五部电影参与竞争奥斯卡最佳动画片,这是从20部提交的电影中抽选出来的。 Disney/Pixar's Up is a str...

  • 温斯莱特受邀参加欧洲电影节

    09-11-10 Kate Winslet is among the British nominees at this year's European Film Awards (EFAs), to be presented in the German city of Bochum next month. 凯特温斯莱特和众多英国提名者一同参加下个月在德国城市波鸿举行的本年度欧洲电影节。 Kate Winslet's EFA nomin...

  • 影片Precious女演员“惧怕”奥斯卡

    09-10-23 The lead actress in critically acclaimed US film Precious says she is daunted about possible Oscars success. 广受批评的美国影片Precious的主演称,她对可能出现的奥斯卡奖项有些胆怯。 Gabourey Sidibe plays Precious (r) who faces a multitude of problems...

  • 《野兽家园》打入美国票房榜首

    09-10-20 A fantasy film about a make-believe world of monsters has entered the US and Canada box office at number one. 一部关于怪物虚拟世界的电影进入美国和加拿大票房排行榜第一位。 Where The Wild Things Are contains actors alongside animation Where The Wild T...

  • Polanski 'finishing film in jail' 导演Polanski将于狱中完成电

    09-10-16 Director Roman Polanski is finishing his latest film from jail, according to screenwriter Robert Harris. 编剧家Robert Harris称,导演Roman Polanski将要在狱中完成他的最新电影。 Polanski's film stars Ewan McGregor, Pierce Brosnan and Kim Cattrall Speak...