• 吃火锅

    22-02-18 挑选你喜欢的风味: Cantonese hot pot is heavy on fresh seafood, including live shrimp, oysters, and squid. 广式火锅:常常放大量的海鲜,包括鲜虾、牡蛎和鱿鱼。 Mongolian-style hot pot is known for its flavorful broth, which contains ingredients like g...

  • 如何调节抑郁情绪

    22-01-10 如果季节性抑郁已经给你带来了严重的心理痛苦和功能损伤,应该及时寻求专业帮助和治疗。当你的抑郁情绪尚属正常范围,达不到诊断标准,可参考以下建议来缓解抑郁情绪: 1、多晒太阳,尤其是在早上。即使工位不在窗边,也每天找时间去窗边坐一会儿。 Although any amoun...

  • a big fish 一个重要人物

    21-12-24 当我们形容某人是 a big fish 一条大鱼时,这就是说这个人是一个重要人物。 例句 Ive got a very important meeting with Mr Johnston later hes the big fish in the company! Sepp Blatter is the President of FIFA and a big fish in international football. If y...

  • to have bigger fish to fry 另有要事要办

    21-12-14 炸鱼条可是一道受欢迎的家常菜。不过当我们听到某人说他有更大的鱼需要炸的时候 I have bigger fish to fry,这和下厨房一点关系都没有,实际上他的意思是说他有更要紧的事情需要处理。 例句 I know youre upset that were not going away on holiday this year, but w...

  • 和“素食”有关的英语表达

    21-09-29 素食一月 Veganuary 是一个倡导人们在每年一月份不食用任何动物产品的新兴活动。不论你是否参与这个倡议,在一月不食用肉类或蛋奶制品等,都不妨试做下面六道测验题,学习六个和非动物类食品有关的英语说法。 1. Someone who doesnt eat meat, but does eat fish, is a...

  • a big fish in a small pond 小地方的大人物

    21-09-02 短语 a big fish in a small pond 的直译是一个小池塘里的大鱼,实际表达的意思是一个小公司或小地方的大人物。 例句 Paul is a manager of a small company; he likes to be a big fish in a small pond. Jane might think she has power but shes just a big fish in...

  • there are plenty more fish in the sea 天涯何处无芳草

    21-08-09 你可以用 there are plenty more fish in the sea 这个表达来描述可供选择的人或事还有很多,也就是我们常说的 天涯何处无芳草。这个表达常被用在谈论婚姻或感情关系破裂的语境中。 例句 Mary was not a good wife. Dont cry over her. There are plenty more fish in...

  • 几个双关语段子

    21-07-01 1、Im only friends with 25 letters of the alphabet. I dont know Y. 我只认识25个字母,不知V什么。 又:25个字母在群里,T出去了。 2、--What is the worst kind of fish? --Selfish. --世上哪种鱼最坏? --自私。 3、What four letters of the alphabet would sca...

  • 淡水鱼物种数量将“灾难性”减少

    21-05-24 一份报告警告说,淡水鱼的数量将出现 灾难性 下降,近三分之一的淡水鱼面临灭绝的威胁。 More than half the worlds fish are found in lakes, rivers and wetlands from carp and minnow to giant catfish. 世界上超过一半的鱼类都生活在湖泊、河流和湿地中,从鲤鱼、...

  • eye-opener 让人大开眼界的事物

    21-05-12 搭配 eye-opener 是由单词 eye 眼睛 和 opener 开的东西 构成的合成词。它用来指一件事非常有趣,有教育性、启发性或引人深省,让人惊讶得目瞪口呆、大开眼界。 例句 He didnt think he would be interested in fish, but Rob found the trip to the aquarium a real e...