• 炸鱼薯条出风头 成为话剧主角

    21-02-27 Fish and chips have been at the centre stage of British cuisine for generations. Now a theatre company is putting on a show which charts the history of the dish and its place in national life. The Mikron Theatre Company is touring the country till t...

  • 地中海饮食连续四年被评为最佳饮食

    21-01-25 The Mediterranean dietinspired by the cuisines of Spain, Italy and Greecehas been named the best overall diet by US News World Report for the fourth consecutive year. 地中海饮食源自西班牙、意大利和希腊的饮食,连续四年被《美国新闻与世界报道》评为最佳...

  • fish in troubled waters 混水摸鱼

    21-01-09 混水摸鱼,汉语成语,亦作浑水摸鱼,原指在混浊的水中,鱼晕头转向,乘机摸鱼,可以得到意外的好处,比喻趁混乱的时候从中捞取不正当的利益(acquire profit in time of trouble)。与英文俗语fish in troubled waters意思相近,表示to try to capitalize on or benefi...

  • 和朋友一起去餐馆

    20-12-13 Kevin: The spaghetti looks really good. 凯文:意大利面看起来真不错。 Alice: It is! I had it the last time I was here. 爱丽丝:是的!我上次来的时候就吃了。 Peter: How is the pizza, Alice? 彼得:比萨饼怎么样,爱丽丝? Alice: Its good, but I think the...

  • An Old-Fashioned Girl - Chapter 5

    20-11-11 AFTER being unusually good, children are apt to turn short round and refresh themselves by acting like Sancho. For a week after Toms mishap, the young folks were quite angelic, so much so that grandma said she was afraid something was going to happe...

  • 'big fish' 'small fish'和'cold fish'有何区别?

    20-10-16 A big fish in a small pond a big fish in a small pond是指某个小圈子或小组里的杰出人物。 You should move to a smaller company so you can be a big fish in a small pond. 你应该去小点的公司,这样你就是那里的大人物了。 Kettle of fish Kettle of fish可以指...

  • eat no fish 忠实可靠的人;诚实可信的人

    20-09-18 Eat no fish是一句英国的民间俗语,这句话的来源是: 英国伊丽莎白一世即位后,面临的首要任务是处理遗留的宗教问题。她大刀阔斧地对宗教问题进行改革:颁布新的《至尊法案》和《三十九信条》,重立英国国教,与罗马教廷决裂,确定英国国王为英国教会最高首领。 其中《...

  • 梁静茹北京宣传新专辑

    19-05-20 Malaysian-Chinese Mando-pop artist Fish Leong was in Beijing to promote a new album following a seven-year hiatus. 马来西亚华人、华语流行歌手梁静茹沉寂七年之后推出新专辑《我好吗?-太阳如常升起》。 The album is called How Am I? - The Sun also Rises....

  • 灰姑娘最古老的版本出现在中国

    17-09-21 One of the oldest documented versions of the story appeared in China, around 860. In that version, Ye Xian is an incredibly beautiful, kind and gentle girl, who is gifted in many skills such as pottery and poetry. She befriends a fish which embodies...

  • 不要轻易对单身人士说的话

    17-06-19 1. There are plenty of fish in the sea. 天涯何处无芳草。 2. Itll happen when you least expect it. 爱情将会发生在你最不经意的时候。 3. Dont you ever get lonely? 你从没有感到过孤单吗? 4. Arent you worried you wont be able to have kids? 你没担心过你可...