• 联合国呼吁各国帮助处理巴基斯坦洪灾

    10-08-10 The UN is to launch an appeal to help Pakistan tackle the country's worst flooding in 80 years. 联合国将呼吁世界各国帮助巴基斯坦处理其80年以来最严重的洪灾。 Pakistan says an urgent relief effort is needed to help those affected by the floods UN Secr...

  • 巴基斯坦军方投入抗洪救灾工作

    10-08-04 The operation to rescue communities cut off by devastating floods in Pakistan is almost complete, the army says. 巴基斯坦军方称,拯救被洪水围困的受灾群众的工作已基本结束。 Major General Athar Abbas told the BBC the mission had been hampered(阻碍,...

  • 巴基斯坦洪灾祸及250万人

    10-08-03 Up to 2.5 million people have been affected by devastating floods in north-west Pakistan, the International Red Cross has said. 国际红十字会表示,巴基斯坦西北部多达250万人民已受特大洪灾影响。 There have been complaints that emergency shelters have b...

  • 巴基斯坦洪灾 死亡人数逾千

    10-08-02 The number of people known to have been killed by floods in north-west Pakistan has passed 1,100, officials say. 巴基斯坦官员成,西北部洪水死亡人数已超过1100人。 Thousands remain trapped and the situation could worsen About 30,000 troops have joined...

  • 巴西东北部发生洪灾 数百人失踪

    10-06-22 More than 600 people are missing after days of heavy rain in north-eastern Brazil triggered deadly floods, officials say. 巴西东北部地区连日来遭受暴雨袭击,引发的洪灾造成600多人失踪。 Many rivers in Alagoas state have burst their banks At least 31 p...

  • 里约热内卢开始灾后搜救工作

    10-04-08 Rescuers are searching for survivors in the Rio de Janiero area of Brazil after landslides and floods left at least 110 people dead. 巴西城市里约热内卢日前发生泥石流和洪涝灾害,造成至少110人死亡,目前救援人员正在全力搜救生还者。 Officials said the t...

  • 海地降暴雨 引发洪灾

    10-03-01 At least eight people have been killed in floods triggered by heavy rain in Haiti, officials have said. 由暴雨所引发的洪灾使海地至少八人死亡。 The deaths occurred in or near the southeastern port city of Les Cayes which was swamped(淹没) by more t...

  • 马德拉发生洪涝灾害 葡萄牙将进入全国哀悼日

    10-02-22 Portugal is expected to announce three days of national mourning following the floods that have hit Madeira island, killing 42 people. 马德拉群岛遭洪水袭击,致使42人死亡,葡萄牙将要宣布为期三天的全国哀悼日。 Officials say the announcement will be ma...

  • 葡萄牙马德拉群岛发生洪涝灾害

    10-02-21 Portugal's armed forces are sending two ships with helicopters and medical supplies to Madeira island, where floods have killed at least 32 people. 葡萄牙马德拉群岛发生洪涝灾害,造成至少32人死亡,当局派遣两艘载有直升机和医疗用品的舰船进行援助。 Floo...

  • 英国首相警告气候变化“灾难性”后果

    09-10-19 The UK faces a catastrophe of floods, droughts and killer heatwaves if world leaders fail to agree a deal on climate change, the prime minister will warn. 英国首相警告道,如果世界首领就气候变化问题不能大成一致协议的话,英国将面临灾难性的洪水、干旱和...