• DNA测试可以检测出食物所含成分

    13-03-28 Almost all foodstuffs contain the genetic material of those animal and plant species that were used in their preparation. Scientists at the Institute of Molecular Genetics, Genetic Security Research and Consulting at Johannes Gutenberg University Ma...

  • happy hour 优惠时段

    13-03-19 Happy hour从字面上看意思显然是快乐时光。这个歌说法起源于四十多年前纽约的一家酒吧。一天店主在玻璃橱窗上贴了一张广告说,这家酒吧把每天下午五点到六点定为happy hour。在这段时间,半价出售饮料,而这时间段正是人们离开办公室回家的时候。这张happy hour广告立...

  • 2013两会精彩语录英译4

    13-03-10 ZHONG NANSHAN, NPC deputy and academic with the Chinese Academy of Engineering I am a doctor and I prefer to speak frankly. A person's health is related first to eating, drinking and air. Any kind of development will be nothing if the quality of foo...

  • The last jar of jelly

    13-03-08 Our children grew up on peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Even my husband and I sometimes sneak one in late at night with a glass of milk. I believe that the Earl of Sandwich himself would agree with me that the success of this universally loved c...

  • Pat's Sleepover

    13-03-06 It was Friday and Annabelle was sleeping at Pat's house. Pat had bought lots of food and a video for them and they were really excited. Pat had never had anybody sleeping at her house before. The first thing they did was play with Pat's hamster 'Spy...

  • 英国医生呼吁对软饮料加税20%

    13-02-24 UKs doctors have called for a 20 percent tax on soft drinks and have asked for junk food advertisements to be banned. 英国众多医生呼吁对软饮料加税20%,并禁止发布垃圾食品广告。 The Academy of Medical Royal Colleges, which represents almost every one...

  • 经常食用油炸食品会损害肝脏

    13-02-24 A new study shows that regularly eating fast food isn't just bad for your waistline, it can also damage your liver in ways that are surprisingly similar to hepatitis. 最新研究显示,经常食用快餐油炸食品不仅会让人肥胖,还会损害肝脏,而且对肝脏的损伤类...

  • 马肉风波殃及部分雀巢牛肉面食品

    13-02-19 Nestle, the world's biggest food company, has removed beef pasta meals from shelves in Italy and Spain after tests revealed traces of horse DNA. 世界最大的食品公司,雀巢将意大利和西班牙两国的牛肉面食品扯下货架,经检测发现这些食品中含有马类DNA。 The...

  • 让你的节假日更有意义

    13-02-07 Simplify It's hard to focus on the true meaning of the holidays when you're rushing from one shopping mall to the next. Try this: Six to ten weeks before the holiday season, sketch out a weekly calendar with all your holiday obligations -- then star...

  • 古巴哈瓦那爆发霍乱

    13-01-16 Cuba's health ministry has confirmed a cholera outbreak in Havana with 51 people infected. 古巴卫生部确认,哈瓦那已经有51人感染霍乱。 An official statement said health workers had detected an increase in acute diarrhoea(腹泻) in some districts, wh...