• 群居动物有更多社交智慧

    13-06-27 Lemurs(狐猴) from species that hang out in big tribes are more likely to steal food behind your back instead of in front of your face. This behavior suggests that primates who live in larger social groups tend to have more social intelligence, a n...

  • 研究:餐具质量影响食物口感

    13-06-26 Our perception of how food tastes is influenced by cutlery, research suggests. 研究发现,人们对于食物味道的感觉受餐具影响。 Size, weight, shape and colour all have an effect on flavour, says a University of Oxford team. Cheese tastes saltier when ea...

  • 大脑对美食的愉悦反应直接体现在眼睛中

    13-06-25 The brain's pleasure response to tasting food can be measured through the eyes using a common, low-cost ophthalmological(眼科的) tool, according to a study just published in the journal Obesity. If validated, this method could be useful for resear...

  • 当前全球粮食生产趋势2050年将不能满足需求

    13-06-21 Crop yields worldwide are not increasing quickly enough to support estimated global needs in 2050, according to a study published June 19 in the open access journal PLOS ONE by research associate Deepak Ray and colleagues from the Institute on the E...

  • 寄生虫在食物网中的作用多被忽视

    13-06-16 Parasites comprise(包含,组成) a large proportion of the diversity of species in every ecosystem. Despite this, they are rarely included in analyses or models of food webs. If parasites play different roles from other predators and prey, however,...

  • 英科学家发明“超级小麦”

    13-05-13 British scientists say they have developed a new type of wheat which could increase productivity by 30%. 英国科学家称,他们开发了一种新型小麦,该品种可增产30%。 The Cambridge-based National Institute of Agricultural Botany has combined an ancient an...

  • 研究人员发现古人类狩猎的最早证据

    13-05-13 A recent Baylor University research study has shed new light on the diet and food acquisition strategies of some the earliest human ancestors in Africa. Beginning around two million years ago, early stone tool-making humans, known scientifically as...

  • 珍妮航空向乘客推出机舱交友服务

    13-04-28 维珍美国航空公司近期推出了一项机舱内交友服务,乘客可以通过舱内电子座位图确定自己心仪对象的座位,然后通过点餐系统为她/他送上一份餐点或鸡尾酒来示好。 Virgin America has launched a new service that allows people the ability to send drinks, a meal or sn...

  • 石器时代人类已开始使用肥料

    13-04-27 Researchers from the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, have spent many years studying the remains of a Stone Age community in Karleby outside the town of Falkping, Sweden. The researchers have for example tried to identify parts of the inhabitants'...

  • 微型食藻生物对海洋生态健康有重要作用

    13-04-03 Tiny sea creatures no bigger than a thumbtack(图钉) are being credited for playing a key role in helping provide healthy habitats for many kinds of seafood, according to a new study by the Virginia Institute of Marine Science and U.S. Geological S...