• 朝鲜请求灾后食物援助

    12-08-03 The United Nations says North Korea has requested immediate food aid after devastating floods last month. 朝鲜上月遭遇毁灭性洪灾,联合国称朝鲜请求立即对其进行食物援助。 The floods have sparked fresh concern over North Korea's struggle to feed its pe...

  • 《拜见岳父大人3》三

    12-07-27 精彩对白 Kevin: Hey, everybody. Hello. Jack: Kevin. Kevin: J.B. Oh! Good to see you. Focker: There he is! The engaged guy! Kevin: How you doing, man? Oh! What happened to your pointer ? Focker: I had a little incident with the business end of a turk...

  • Perhaps Not 为什么没有牡蛎

    12-07-18 Customer: Waiter, I can't find any oysters in this oyster stew. Waiter: Well, you wouldn't expect to find any angels in an angel food cake, would you? 顾客:服务员,我这个牡蛎炖菜里怎么没有牡蛎? 服务员:是啊,你不会指望在天使蛋糕里发现天使吧?...

  • 狼獾生存离不开冰雪环境

    12-07-13 Wolverines live in harsh conditions; they range over large areas of cold mountainous low-productivity habitat with persistent snow. The paper suggests wolverines take advantage of the crevices(裂缝) and boulders(岩石) of the mountainous terrain,...

  • Plan-overs 预谋剩饭

    12-07-09 Plan-overs refer to an excess of food cooked so that there are leftovers that can be used for future meals. Plan-over指做饭时多做一些,这样下次做饭的时候把这次剩下的加工一下就可以了,译为预谋剩饭。 Left-overs will not represent waste and planned-ove...

  • 食物过敏儿童的过敏反应的其它诱因

    12-06-26 A team of researchers from Mount Sinai School of Medicine and four other institutions have found that young children with documented or likely allergies to milk and/or eggs, whose families were instructed on how to avoid these and other foods, still...

  • 水鸟并不总喜欢雨天

    12-06-11 Scientists from the Smithsonian and colleagues have found that waterbird communities can be the canary(金丝雀) in the coal mine when it comes to detecting the health of urban estuary(河口) ecosystems. Their research revealed that the types of wa...

  • 城市生活的儿童更易食物过敏

    12-06-11 Children living in urban centers have a much higher prevalence of food allergies than those living in rural areas, according to a new study, which is the first to map children's food allergies by geographical location in the United States. In partic...

  • 图像化显示蛋白质的合成过程

    12-06-11 Enabling bioengineers to design new molecular machines for nanotechnology applications is one of the possible outcomes of a study by University of Montreal researchers that was published in Nature Structural and Molecular Biology June 10. The scient...

  • 欧洲杯主办国为赛事安排“预测员”

    12-06-09 2012欧洲杯开赛在即,赛事主办国乌克兰和波兰在应对安检和场馆等棘手问题的同时不忘制造噱头,特意选出猪-赫利亚克、大象-西塔和鼬-弗莱德担任赛事预测员,希望它们能延续2010年世界杯期间德国章鱼保罗的预言神话。 Euro 2012 organizers in Ukraine have introduced t...