• 某保健品可用于治疗肌肉萎缩症

    11-11-25 A health supplement used by bodybuilders could be the key to treating a life-threatening muscular dystrophy(肌肉萎缩症) affecting hundreds of Australian children, new research shows. The amino acid L-tyrosine had a rapid and dramatic impact on Nem...

  • 五大湖鱼类以入侵胭脂虾为食

    11-11-23 The latest invader of the Great Lakes -- Hemimysis anomala, or more commonly the bloody red shrimp after its bright red spots -- may become a new food source for fish, allaying concerns about how it will impact native fish populations. Forecasting h...

  • disposable dishware 一次性餐具

    11-11-23 According to Dong Jinshi, vice-president of the Hong Kong-based International Food Packaging Association (IFPA), about half of the disposable dishware used in the country is unsafe, with excessive amounts of chemicals that can cause cancer. 总部位于...

  • 2050年世界粮食需求将翻番

    11-11-22 Global food demand could double by 2050, according to a new projection by David Tilman, Regents Professor of Ecology in the University of Minnesota's College of Biological Sciences, and colleagues, including Jason Hill, assistant professor in the Co...

  • 非洲部分地区木薯遭病毒传染

    11-11-18 UN scientists are warning that a virus attacking the cassava plant in parts of Africa. 联合国科学家警告道,非洲部分地区的木薯遭到一种病毒的传染。 Farmers may think crops are healthy until harvest; the signs only show on roots Cassava is one of the w...

  • Modern lief 现代生活

    11-11-17 Two old friends got together after many years and soon fell to discussing their husbands' faults. We've been married fifteen years, one woman said, and every night after dinner my husband always complains about the food. How terrible! exclaimed the...

  • food safety 食品安全

    11-11-11 Any governmental department that fails to fulfill its duty should be seriously punished. Responsible persons concerned with late, left-out and concealed reports on food safety accidents will be called to account. 任何未能履行责任的政府部门都将受到严...

  • 《欲望都市电影版2》五

    11-11-01 精彩对白 Miranda: The robes are called abayas and the veils that covered everything except the eyes is a niqab . Samantha: Certainly cuts back on the botox bill. Samantha: Women are required to dress in a way that does not tracked sexual attention....

  • 某些膳食结构能增加直肠癌患病几率

    11-10-25 Researchers may have found a specific dietary pattern linked to levels of C-peptide concentrations that increase a woman's risk for colorectal(结肠直肠的) cancer. High red meat intake, fish intake, sugar-sweetened beverage(饮料) intake, but low...

  • 消费者购物时极少注意食品营养标示表

    11-10-25 Nutrition Facts labels have been used for decades on many food products. Are these labels read in detail by consumers when making purchases? Do people read only certain portions of the labels? According to a new study published in the November issue...