• 细菌使我们感到饥饿?

    12-12-20 Over the last half decade, it has become increasingly clear that the normal gastrointestinal(胃肠的) (GI) bacteria play a variety of very important roles in the biology of human and animals. Now Vic Norris of the University of Rouen, France, and c...

  • 英国人“末日资源”储备 避孕套赫然在列

    12-12-08 The Mayan calendar predicts that the end of the world is less than a month away - but there are some Britons who are taking the doomsday prophecy more seriously than most. 距离玛雅立法预言的世界末日的到来已不足一个月,一些英国人在各方面做着避难的准...

  • 干旱会延缓鸟类迁徙时间

    12-12-07 The catastrophic drought last year in the Horn of Africa affected millions of people but also caused the extremely late arrival into northern Europe of several migratory songbird species, a study published December 6 in Science shows. Details of the...

  • 苍蝇会辨别出腐烂食物

    12-12-07 The ability to detect rotten food is so crucial for survival that even flies have a dedicated neural circuit to do just that, according to a study published on December 6th in the Cell Press journal Cell. The brain circuit allows flies to avoid feed...

  • 肥胖儿童更易受食品广告的影响

    12-12-03 Rates of childhood obesity have tripled in the past 30 years, and food marketing has been implicated as one factor contributing to this trend. Every year, companies spend more than $10 billion in the US marketing their food and beverages to children...

  • 100-foot diet 自产绿色食品

    12-11-27 100-foot diet is a diet that consists mostly or exclusively of food grown in one's garden. 100-foot diet指餐桌上的食物大部分或者全部来自于自家花园产出的作物,称为自产绿色食品。 The 100-foot diet emphasizes on reducing one's carbon footprint by growi...

  • 风头鹦鹉会利用工具进食

    12-11-06 A cockatoo(风头鹦鹉) from a species not known to use tools in the wild has been observed spontaneously making and using tools for reaching food and other objects. A Goffin's cockatoo called 'Figaro', that has been reared in captivity and lives nea...

  • 飓风仙蒂可能造成海地粮食短缺

    12-11-01 Fears are growing of food shortages in Haiti, after the strong winds and heavy rain of Hurricane Sandy caused extensive crop damage. 飓风仙蒂带来的强风暴雨对海地大量作物造成破坏,人们对食物短缺的担忧正在增长。 Aid workers and officials are also warn...

  • 物种大灭绝对现代世界的启示

    12-10-30 The Cretaceous Period(白垩纪) of Earth history ended with a mass extinction that wiped out numerous species, most famously the dinosaurs. A new study now finds that the structure of North American ecosystems made the extinction worse than it might...

  • 果蝇的进食选择值得人类学习

    12-10-17 The humble fruit fly may have something to teach us about forgoing(放弃,停止) empty calories for more nutritional ones -- especially when we're hungry. While the flies initially prefer food with a sweet flavour, they quickly learn to opt for less...