• Fat Fox and Striped Leopard 丰狐文豹

    14-04-29 Both the fat foxes and the beautifully striped leopards inhabit in forests, and stay in caves having a tranquil(平静的) life. They only come out at night and during the daytime they stay in caves vigilantly(警惕地) . Even if they are very hungry...

  • 五种具有营养价值的白色蔬菜

    14-04-27 Everyone knows that once spring is in the air, we can welcome back our white wardrobes. Fashion experts have assured us that we are not breaking the law if we slip into those white jeans today! 夏天已经临近,我们可以重新穿上白色的衣着。时尚专家告诉...

  • 研究发现陆地食草动物的祖先

    14-04-17 New research from the University of Toronto Mississauga demonstrates how carnivores(食肉动物) transitioned into herbivores for the first time on land. The evolution of herbivory(食草性) was revolutionary to life on land because it meant terrestr...

  • What's the Matter

    14-04-17 What's the Matter Maureen N. McLane Why the low mood, the picking at food? Maybe it's the weather. Maybe it's hormones. Explanation's cheap but sometimes hits the mark. I am the target of mysterious arrows I myself let sling. O that's your fantasy o...

  • 人类进化:牙齿变小 大脑变大

    14-04-06 Andalusian researchers, led by the University of Granada, have discovered a curious characteristic of the members of the human lineage, classed as the genus Homo: they are the only primates where, throughout their 2.5-million year history, the size...

  • 油炸食品可能与基因相互作用影响体重

    14-03-20 The results of a new study show that eating fried food more than four times a week had twice as big an effect on body mass index (BMI) for those with the highest genetic risk scores compared with lower scores. In other words, genetic makeup can infl...

  • 食物网的古今差异不大

    14-03-20 Researchers from the Santa Fe Institute and the Smithsonian Institution have pieced together a highly detailed picture of feeding relationships among 700 mammal, bird, reptile, fish, insect, and plant species from a 48 million year old lake and fore...

  • toy food 玩具食物

    14-03-20 Toy food is a food dish that comes premeasured and premixed and so requires only a minimal amount of preparation. 玩具食物是用预先切好、拌合好的食材,只需极少准备工作就能制成的一盘食物。 To make toy food, you just need to get a little piece of this,...

  • bachelor wash 单身汉清洗法

    14-03-06 Bachelor wash refers to a quick soap-free rinse of a plate, cup, or utensil which had recently been used. This is most useful for low-oil, water based, or dry foods. Wiping with a paper towel will usually remove residual food particles missed by the...

  • 人类食物对约塞米蒂黑熊饮食的影响

    14-03-05 Black bears in Yosemite National Park and elsewhere are notorious for seeking out human food, even breaking into cars and cabins for it. A new study reveals just how much human food has contributed to the diets of Yosemite bears over the past centur...