• 旧金山一家全自助快餐店开业

    15-09-14 A San Francisco fast food restaurant has opened with no waiting staff or cashiers and instead dispenses its meals using a giant vending machine. 旧金山一家快餐店开张了,不过店里没有服务生和收银员,只有一台巨大的自动贩卖机分发食物。 Customers of eats...

  • “养生”新潮流:直视太阳

    15-09-14 A new 'health' trend in Hong Kong sees women staring straight at the sun in the belief that it will replace their need for food and even improve their vision and sleep quality, reports Oriental Daily. 据《东方日报》报道,香港女性中兴起了直视太阳的养...

  • 中国将加强婴儿配方食品监管

    15-09-07 China has revised its Food Safety Law to tighten regulations on infant formula products. 中国已修改食品安全法以加强对婴儿配方食品的监管力度。 The revised law comes into effect on October 1. According to the revised law, the former filing system for...

  • 百胜餐饮中国区换新总裁

    15-08-20 Yum Brands, the parent company of KFC and Pizza Hut, has appointed a new CEO to its China division. 百胜餐饮集团,肯德基与必胜客的总公司,在中国区任命了一名新总裁。 60-year-old Micky Pant will replace retiring Sam Su as the new CEO of Yum's China di...

  • 食品必须加糖的五个原因

    15-08-20 From a food science and technology perspective, sugar (sucrose) plays several roles when it comes to the functional properties in food. In the September issue of Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety published by the Institute of Foo...

  • 肉类食物垃圾比素食对环境影响更大

    15-08-17 Approximately 31 percent of food produced in the U.S., or 133 billion pounds of food worth $162 billion, was wasted in 2011 according to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Now, University of Missouri researchers have found that the...

  • 西班牙安置社区冰箱避免浪费食物

    15-08-16 Food waste is a growing problem throughout the world; on one hand, we've got so many people starving or living in food insecurity, and on the other hand, in places like Western Europe or the US people are wasting almost 50% of what they eat. 全球的...

  • 冰川融化丰富了南极的食物链

    15-08-12 Nutrient-rich water from melting Antarctic glaciers nourishes the ocean food chain, creating feeding hot spots in large gaps in the sea ice, according to a new study. New research finds that iron stored in the region's glaciers is being shuttled by...

  • 台湾最火食物:长得像西瓜的面包

    15-07-06 Bread that looks just like watermelon has become the hottest food in Taiwan. 目前,台湾最火的食物是一种长得像西瓜的面包。 Jimmy's Bakery, inYilanCounty, is selling loaves of the vibrant green, pink and black 'watermelon toast'. Hundreds of customers...

  • 第一次约会别点这些菜

    15-06-23 First dates can be awkward, and most people don't know how to act. And if you're going out to dinner, getting the wrong type of food can make everything even more uncomfortable. So here's a suggested list of things you should NOT order on a first da...