• 少吃肉能够保护干旱地区的水资源

    14-08-05 Eating less meat would protect water resources in dry areas around the world, researchers at Aalto University have found. Reducing the use of animal products can have a considerable impact on areas suffering scarce water resources, as meat productio...

  • Fool Eating Salt 愚人食盐

    14-08-05 There was once a fool visited his friend. The host offered him some food which he found tasteless. When the master of the house heard him complain, he added some salt to the dish. The fool found the food now quite delicious. He thought, The food is...

  • 印度新开餐馆 服务员都是囚犯

    14-08-01 印度新德里日前新开了一家名为蒂哈尔美食广场的餐馆,表面看起来其平淡无奇,但实际上这里的员工很特别,全都是已定罪并且正在服刑的杀人犯。这家餐馆于7月初开始试营业,店面宽敞,可容纳约50人同时就餐。餐馆中的7名服务员都是监狱中表现良好、即将刑满释放的杀人犯...

  • 空军一号上的食物大揭秘

    14-07-05 美国总统专机空军一号上的食物以分量足且吸引力广泛而在白宫工作人员和记者中闻名,有夹着生菜、西红柿和蒜泥蛋黄酱的蓝纹奶酪汉堡、巧克力软糖蛋糕、填有四种奶酪的贝壳意大利粉、柠檬酒蛋糕和许多其他美味。 A blue-cheese burger with lettuce(生菜,莴苣) , toma...

  • 蹶与蛩蛩、距虚

    14-06-24 Jue is kind of beast in north. Its forelegs are as short as those of a mouse; rear legs are as long as those of a hare. When it walks so fast, it will fall down sometimes. When it runs, it falls head even more frequently. Whenever Jue has spare time...

  • 饥饿使蠕虫寿命更长

    14-06-20 Worms stop ageing when they are starved of food and can go onto live twice as long as normal, a new study has shown. 一项新研究发现,蠕虫在缺乏食物的情况下会停止老化并能存活正常情况下两倍的时间。 Researchers found that nematode(线虫) worms entered...

  • 蚂蚁如何优化食物搜索路径

    14-05-28 Ants are capable of complex problem-solving strategies that could be widely applied as optimization techniques. An individual ant searching for food walks in random ways, biologists found. Yet the collective foraging(觅食) behaviour of ants goes w...

  • travel-ready dishes 路菜

    14-05-26 Travel-ready dishes are the food prepared for traveling people to eat on the road. Travel-ready dishes should be easy to carry around and would not go bad in two to three months. 路菜是准备给旅行的人在路上吃的菜。路菜应便于携带,而且放上两三个月也不...

  • food coma 饭气攻心

    14-05-08 Food coma refers to the feeling of listlessness, bordering on sleep, that one feels after eating a large meal, often caused by a rush of blood to the stomach and intestines during food digestion. 饭气攻心指的是在大吃一顿后感到的困倦,通常是因为在食...

  • 捕食者与猎物间的平衡关系

    14-05-07 A team of U.K. researchers has developed a way to dramatically reduce the complexity of modeling bistable(双稳定的) systems which involve the interaction of two evolving species where one changes faster than the other (slow-fast systems). Describe...