• Mr. Ferdinand's Lunch 费迪南德先生的午餐

    15-04-07 One morning Mrs. Ferdinand said to her husband: Roger, there's a meeting at Mrs. Young's house at lunch time today, and I want to go to it. I'll leave you some food for your lunch. Is that all right? Oh, yes. Her husband answered, That's quite all r...

  • 2015两会代表精彩语录12

    15-03-13 We should build a museum of Chinese food culture in Beijing. It can comprehensively show the rich culture of Chinese food, including its appearance, smell, taste and touch. It should demonstrate the history of our food culture and include the elemen...

  • 乌克兰男子吃某种食物后长出长睫毛

    15-03-12 A Ukrainian man who grew astonishingly long eyelashes after eating a particular type of food is bidding for a place in the Guinness Book of Records. 一名乌克兰男子在吃了某种神秘食物后长出了惊人的长睫毛,并打算凭借这对长睫毛申报吉尼斯纪录。 Valery Sm...

  • 2015两会代表精彩语录5

    15-03-10 Buying high-priced rice is not a common practice among Chinese tourists in Japan. A lot of tourists buy the rice as gifts for friends or relatives, and it is natural for them to buy some local specialties. The issue should not be exaggerated and ass...

  • 10种可以考虑扔掉东西

    15-02-23 The first step to taking care of yourself and de-stressing is to make sure that your environment is in order. Seeing your house full of clutter can affect your mood negatively and make your personal space seem like a place you want to escape from, r...

  • 男女吃饭速度不同源于咀嚼方式不同

    15-02-12 Many a woman has watched in disbelief as their partner inhales their food minutes after sitting down to dinner. Now Korean researchers have discovered why: men and women actually chew differently. 许多女性看到自己的伴侣坐下几分钟便把饭菜统统吞下时都...

  • 全球健康大调查

    15-01-11 When it comes to being healthy, the worlds priority is getting more sleep rather than eating healthy food, exercising or taking vitamins, a poll has found. 调查发现:谈起健康时,世界各地的人都将增加睡眠放在第一位,而非饮食健康、加强锻炼抑或补充维生...

  • Please Sew a Jacket on the Button

    15-01-05 Mrs Turner lives in a small town. Her husband died in a traffic accident and left her little money. She was hungry and lived a cold room in winter. A shopkeeper had pity on her and told her to cook for him. He pays her some money and she doesn't wor...

  • 农作物回归自然状态能养活世界人口?

    14-12-17 To feed the world's growing population--expected to reach nine billion by the year 2050--we will have to find ways to produce more food on less farmland, without causing additional harm to the remaining natural habitat. A feature review, to be publi...

  • 选民比消费者更注重食品安全

    14-12-09 Voters are more willing to pay for a decreased risk of food-related illness than consumers, but female consumers are more willing to pay than male consumers, according to an international team of researchers. The question is, what would consumers pr...