• 中国将继续在公海进行战机巡视

    16-12-16 The Chinese Air Force says overflights by its warplanes over the South China Sea, Bashi Channel and Miyako Strait are legitimate, reasonable and justified. 中国空军表示,中国战机巡视南海、巴士海峡和宫古海峡是合法、合理、正当的。 The Air Force spokes...

  • Rocket Force 火箭军

    16-03-07 China's military reform continues, with the establishment of the PLA Rocket Force and the PLA Strategic Support Force. 中国军队改革继续推进,建立了解放军火箭军和战略支援部队。 火箭军即中国人民解放军火箭军,可以用the PLA Rocket Force 表示,是中国人民...

  • common border force 共同边境部队

    16-02-27 Brussels is to propose the creation of a standing European common border force that could take control of the bloc's external frontiers - even if a government objected. 布鲁塞尔方面将提议组建一支欧洲常备的共同边境部队,由它在必要情况下控制欧盟的外部...

  • Robison Crusoe 鲁宾逊漂流记 Chapter 3-WRECKED ON A DESERT IS

    15-12-09 AFTER this stop, we made on to the southward continually for ten or twelve days, living very sparingly on our provisions, which began to abate very much, and going no oftener to the shore than we were obliged to for fresh water. My design in this wa...

  • Idiorrhythmy

    15-12-03 Idiorrhythmy Chad Bennett First, there was faith -- how a terrestrial body pulled by the force of attraction toward earth's molten center nonetheless hung willing from a fixed point. Second, desire -- how such a body in and through motion could acqu...

  • 常用军事词汇

    14-09-15 xx军区: xx Military Area Command (MAC) xx省军区:xx Provincial Military Command xx军分区:xx Military Sub-Command 第二炮兵:the Second Artillery Force 预备役部队:the PLA's reserve force 驻港/澳部队:the PLA Hong Kong/ Macao Garrison 武警部队:the A...

  • The Seven Voyages of Sindbad the Sailor 8

    14-06-20 Here I lived in darkness and misery until my provisions(食品,预备) were exhausted, but just as I was nearly dead from starvation the rock was rolled away overhead and I saw that a bier(棺材,尸架) was being lowered into the cavern, and that the...

  • 联合国将向马里派遣维和部队

    13-06-26 The United Nations Security Council has agreed that a UN peacekeeping force of 12,600 troops should be deployed in Mali from 1 July. 联合国安理会将于7月1日在马里部署一支12600人的维和武装。 Britain's ambassador to the UN said there was unanimous agre...

  • 偃旗息鼓

    11-12-14 In the Three Kingdoms Period, during a battle between Cao Cao and Liu Bei, the latter ordered his generals Zhao Yun and Huang Zhong to capture Cao Caos supplies. Cao Cao led a large force against Zhao Yun, who retreated as fas as the gates of his ca...

  • 武术练习可增强骨质疏松症患者体质

    10-04-23 Martial arts(武术) could be the key to helping osteoporosis(骨质疏松症) sufferers fall more safely. A study published in the open access journal BMC Research Notes has found that martial arts training can likely be carried out safely. Brenda Gro...