• 荷兰艺术家用香蕉皮作画

    15-03-08 Judging by Stephan Brusche's creative approach to fruit he probably didn't have very good table manners as a child, as clearly he was never told off for playing with his food. 从特凡纳布鲁施对水果的玩法来看,他小时候的餐桌礼仪可不怎么样,也从未被告...

  • 细菌可使果蝇避免营养不良

    15-02-16 Microbes, small and ancient life forms, play a key role in maintaining life on Earth. As has often been pointed out, without microbes, we'd die -- without us, most microbes would get along just fine. Now, a study by scientists from the Florida campu...

  • 凯蒂·佩里为何被称为“水果姐”

    15-02-08 During the Super Bowl halftime show, Chinese Internet users were abuzz about a woman called Fruit Sister. 超级碗中场秀期间,中国的网友们热议一个名叫水果姐的女人。 Sounds mysterious, but you already know who she is. Fruit Sister, or shui guo jie, is...

  • 物品有好闻的气味事出有因

    15-01-29 Antioxidants are natural food ingredients that protect cells from harmful influences. Their main task is to neutralize so-called free radicals which are produced in the process of oxidation and which are responsible for cell degeneration. Scientists...

  • 果蝇翅膀颜色可吸引异性

    14-10-23 Bright colors appear on a fruit fly's transparent wings against a dark background as a result of light refraction. Researchers from Lund University in Sweden have now demonstrated that females choose a mate based on the males' hidden wing colors. Ou...

  • 特易购超市上架艳粉色苹果

    14-09-30 For those of us with modest expectations, it is exciting enough to see British apples finally back on the shelves after months of woolly-textured imports. But Tesco clearly doesn't think the return of the russet is enough to get us to open our walle...

  • 5个小窍门帮你吃到好早餐

    14-08-23 Chill your oatmeal Oatmeal doesn't have to be served warm. Cook, then chill individual portions, and stash(存放) them in the fridge in small containers you can grab, along with a spoon, on your way out the door. Just mix a protein powder (like pea...

  • 每日五种蔬果 保持身体健康

    14-08-09 British nutritionists threw down the gauntlet to dietary guidelines in April by declaring seven daily portions of fresh fruit and vegetables, rather than the recommended five, were the key to health. 英国营养学家在四月份向既定的食谱指南发起挑战,宣...

  • 草莓是“最快乐的水果”

    14-06-22 一项调查揭示,草莓是最快乐的水果。研究人员称,草莓独特的甜美香气可以唤起那些令人开心的回忆。草莓具有难以抵挡的诱惑力,86%的人只要一想到吃草莓,就会感觉更放松。 It is the fruit most associated with those lazy, hazy(朦胧的,模糊的) days of British s...

  • 水果蔬菜与人体健康

    14-04-11 Experts say eating a range of fruit and veg is best, as part of a balanced diet, to protect against illness. 专家表示,吃各种水果蔬菜对身体最为有利,可以均衡饮食,预防疾...