• 致命壶菌威胁蛙类健康

    12-04-26 The fungal infection that has killed a record number of amphibians worldwide leads to deadly dehydration(脱水) in frogs in the wild, according to a new study by University of California, Berkeley and San Francisco State University researchers. Hig...

  • 蜜蜂感染病菌时会“自我治疗”

    12-04-01 Research from North Carolina State University shows that honey bees self-medicate when their colony is infected with a harmful fungus, bringing in increased amounts of antifungal plant resins(树脂) to ward off the pathogen. The colony is willing t...

  • 罕见真菌致死濒危响尾蛇

    12-02-22 A small population of rattlesnakes(响尾蛇) that already is in decline in southern Illinois faces a new and unexpected threat in the form of a fungus rarely seen in the wild, researchers report. The eastern massasauga rattlesnake (Sistrurus catenat...

  • 亚洲两栖类真菌研究已完成

    11-08-18 An international team of researchers has completed the first major survey in Asia of a deadly fungus(真菌) that has wiped out more than 200 species of amphibians(两栖动物) worldwide. The massive survey could help scientists zero in on why the fu...

  • 青变菌基因组定序成功

    11-01-25 The genome of the fungus that helps mountain pine beetles infect and kill lodgepole pines(美国黑松) has been decoded in a University of British Columbia study. Also known as blue stain fungus for the stain it leaves in the wood of infected trees,...

  • 新研究发现梨树疫病菌治疗方法

    10-12-29 Diseases caused by a species of fungus called Phytophthora(疫病菌) syringae are responsible for significant economic losses on a wide range of plants, including pear. In the Pacific Northwest region of the United States, disease occurs during the...

  • 科学家对引起农作物病害的病菌进行研究

    10-12-10 Norwich scientists are on the trail of(跟踪,追赶) some of the most economically damaging organisms that infect crops worldwide. Their latest targets are the parasitic(寄生的) water fungus that causes powdery mildew(白粉病 ) and the water mold...

  • 蚂蚁使用多种抗生素除草

    10-08-27 Scientists at the University of East Anglia, have shown that fungus(真菌,菌类) -farming ants are using multiple antibiotics(抗生素) as weed killers to maintain their fungus gardens. Research led by Dr Matt Hutchings and published today in the j...

  • 木材贵霉菌基因被成功解码

    10-07-20 An international team including Empa researcher Francis Schwarze has sequenced the genome of the common split gill(沟壑,溪流) mushroom, Schizophyllum(裂褶菌属) commune, a widely distributed fungus which grows on and decomposes(分解,腐烂) woo...

  • 真菌烟气可有效清除农作物害虫

    10-02-20 A cocktail of compounds emitted by the beneficial fungus(真菌) Muscodor albus may offer a biologically based way to fumigate(熏蒸) certain crops and rid them of destructive pests. That's the indication from Agricultural Research Service ( ARS农...