• 2017金砖国家运动会在广州开幕

    17-06-18 The first-ever BRICS Games raised its curtain here at the Guangzhou Baiyun International Convention Center on Saturday evening. 首届金砖国家运动会周六晚在广州白云国际会议中心拉开帷幕。 Chinese President Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory letter to exp...

  • 电子竞技成2022亚运会正式比赛项目

    17-04-18 E-sports has been included as an official project in the 19th Asian Games to take place in the eastern Chinese city of Hangzhou in 2022. 2022年中国杭州第19届亚运会,电子竞技已被正式列入比赛项目。 E-sports or electronic sports is a form of competitio...

  • 巴黎和洛杉矶只对申办2024奥运会感兴趣

    17-03-25 Paris 2024 Olympic bid directors rejected on Wednesday the notion of hosting the 2028 Games, saying their target was the 2024 edition, reflecting the position of rival bidders Los Angeles. 巴黎2024年夏季奥运会申办负责人本周三拒绝了举办2028年奥运会的...

  • 中国召开残奥会动员会

    16-08-30 A rally has taken place at the Great Hall of the People ahead of Team Chinas departure for the Paralympic Games in Rio. 里约残奥会开幕之前,中国残奥会代表团在人民大会堂举行出征动员会。 The Rio Paralympics Games are set to open in around a weeks time...

  • 奥运村发安全套的小伙网上爆红

    16-08-19 While most people watching the Olympics are impressed with the athletes, theres someone else who is garnering some attention for his efforts. 虽然大部分看奥运的观众被运动员们深深吸引,依旧另有他人因其努力受到关注。 A man named Eric has gone viral on...

  • 奥运会人均奖牌数 芬兰第一

    16-08-08 There are no prizes for knowing that the US has won more Olympic medals than any other country since the first modern summer games were held in 1896. 自1896年第一届现代夏季奥运会举办以来,美国队获得的奖牌总数比其他国家都要多。这是人尽皆知的事实。 Ku...

  • 2022冬奥会北京组委会成立

    16-07-29 The Beijing Organizing Committee for the 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games has been initially established, with nine departments created. 2022冬季奥运会和冬季残奥会北京组委会已初步建立。 Yan Cheng, human resource director of the committee, sa...

  • 海淘英语之物品种类

    16-04-06 all departments 所有分类 appliances 电器 arts, crafts sewing 美术、手工、缝纫用品 automotive 汽车用品 baby 母婴用品 beauty 美容化妆品 cell phones accessories 手机及配件 clothing accessories 服装配饰 collectibles fine art 收藏品艺术品 CDs Vinyl CD、...

  • 游乐园常用词

    16-02-04 water slide 水滑道 games 游戏 vomit 呕吐 ticket booth 售票处 line 队伍 carousel 旋转木马 tracks 轨道 Ferris wheel 摩天轮 Haunted house 鬼屋 Seat 座位 Food stand 饮食摊 Roller coaster 过山车 Cotton candy 棉花糖 Seat belt 安全带 Car 车厢...

  • 美国职业棒球大联盟进军中国市场

    16-01-08 Major League Baseball has inked a deal with a Chinese online sports company for live-streaming games in China. 美国职业棒球大联盟与中国一家在线体育公司签署一份比赛直播协议。 MLB and China-based Le Sports announced the partnership at the ongoing Cons...