• 给孩子们进行电子产品"排毒"

    21-02-27 Children are hooked on computers. Some spend up to six hours a day on their gadgets. They can be playing games live with others elsewhere in the world, updating their status on social media, texting friends or looking for the latest app to download...

  • 游戏只是游戏吗?

    21-02-27 电脑游戏可能很有意思,不过玩电脑游戏对你有好处吗?有些人担心过度玩电脑游戏可能会影响健康。不过也有一些调查数据显示,适量的玩电脑游戏也有一定益处。 Are you addicted to computer games? Do you stay up all night playing them? Theres no doubt that the ex...

  • 经典电子游戏重掀热潮

    21-02-24 你是不是曾经一度为了创下俄罗斯方块得分新高而点灯熬夜?一提到在80、90年代盛行的 Gameboy 游戏机,是不是勾起了你许多童年的记忆?尽管电子科技在近年来发展飞速,但让我们感到意外的是曾经陪伴我们度过无数童年假期的那些经典游戏再度回归。 Theres no doubt that...

  • 东京奥组委发布奥运规则手册

    21-02-05 东京奥组委同国际奥委会、国际残奥委会近日联合发布东京奥运规则手册,手册汇总了入境日本14天前,到离开日本这段时期的行动规范等事项,其中明确规定了赴日后需隔离14天等细则。这是奥运会历史上首次推出此类规则手册,违反规定者或被取消参赛资格。 Singing or chant...

  • Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games 北京冬奥会

    21-01-25 中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平近日在北京、河北考察,主持召开北京2022年冬奥会和冬残奥会筹办工作汇报会并发表重要讲话。习近平在1月20日的讲话中强调,要精益求精、战胜困难,全力做好各项筹办工作。办好北京冬奥会、冬残奥会是党和国家的一件大事,...

  • 从玩游戏上瘾得出的一点思考

    21-01-03 Its human nature to want to play. From board games to sports, games have been an integral part of human culture since time immemorial. Since their invention in the mid-20th century, video games have been among the most popular pastimes. In fact, in...

  • 玩电游能帮你找到更好的工作吗?

    20-12-29 Do you enjoy playing computer games? They can be thrilling, especially when youre competing against others. They involve lots of skill, and offer a chance to switch off from the pressures of real life. But imagine if your gaming talents could actual...

  • 研究:玩电子游戏能提高认知技能

    20-09-30 A number of studies have shown how playing video games can lead to structural changes in the brain, including increasing the size of some regions, or to functional changes, such as activating the areas responsible for attention or visual-spatial ski...

  • 世界军人运动会100天倒计时开始

    19-07-09 The city of Wuhan will present to the world a spectacular and extraordinary Military World Games in 100 days time, with venue construction completed and the torch relay set to begin on August 1, members of the Games executive committee said at press...

  • 杭州亚运会将于2022年9月10日至25日举行

    19-04-09 The Hangzhou Asian Games Organizing Committee has announced the Hangzhou Asian Games will be held from September 10 to 25, 2022. 杭州亚运会组委会宣布,杭州亚运会将于2022年9月10日至25日举行。 It will include at least 37 competitions, including 28 Oly...