• 日本流行角色扮演“爱情游戏”

    12-12-23 After being saved from kidnapping, you discover you're the daughter of the prime minister and your life is in imminent danger. You are introduced to a handful of handsome bodyguards, and must decide who you want to protect you 24 hours a day. 在被从...

  • 冒险类游戏易造成年轻人驾车鲁莽

    12-09-12 Teens who play mature-rated, risk-glorifying video games may be more likely than those who don't to become reckless drivers who experience increases in automobile accidents, police stops and willingness to drink and drive, according to new research...

  • 欧洲杯主办国为赛事安排“预测员”

    12-06-09 2012欧洲杯开赛在即,赛事主办国乌克兰和波兰在应对安检和场馆等棘手问题的同时不忘制造噱头,特意选出猪-赫利亚克、大象-西塔和鼬-弗莱德担任赛事预测员,希望它们能延续2010年世界杯期间德国章鱼保罗的预言神话。 Euro 2012 organizers in Ukraine have introduced t...

  • 奥运前夕 伦敦房租价格大涨

    12-05-14 Tenants living in east London are facing eviction from their homes with hardly any notice by landlords wanting to cash in on the Olympics. 住在伦敦东部的租客们正面临被房东赶走的难题,而且并没有得到提前通知,因为房东们想在奥运会期间把房子租给短期游客...

  • 高竞争性游戏易使人产生攻击行为

    11-08-30 While most research into video games and aggressive behavior has focused on violent games, competitiveness may be the main video game characteristic that influences aggression, according to new research published by the American Psychological Associ...

  • 英上议院建议议员玩游戏 掌握高科技

    11-08-27 继允许议员们携带iPad和智能手机等高科技电子产品进入上议院之后,近日英国上议院又有官员建议让议员们学会玩愤怒的小鸟之类的电脑游戏,以帮助他们尽快掌握高科技产品的使用方法。 Allowing iPads into the chamber was supposed to drag the House of Lords into the...

  • 电脑可通过玩游戏学习语言

    11-07-13 Computers are great at treating words as data: Word-processing programs let you rearrange and format text however you like, and search engines can quickly find a word anywhere on the Web. But what would it mean for a computer to actually understand...

  • 洛杉矶市长因接受赠票被罚款

    11-04-09 因接受赠票免费观看NBA比赛和演唱会等文体活动,洛杉矶市市长安东尼奥维拉莱戈萨将被罚款4.2万美元,这是加州历史上数额最高的道德罚款。 Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa has agreed to pay a fine of $42,000 for accepting free tickets to shows and sport...

  • 前白宫大厨主管广州亚运会饮食

    10-11-27 The more than 13,000 athletes and coaches at the Asian Games are eating well with former White House chef Doug Bradley in charge of serving up a variety of meals daily. 参加此次亚运会的1.3万多运动员和教练都吃得很好,因为有前白宫大厨道格布拉德利主管...

  • The International Olympic Committee

    10-11-18 The International Olympic Committee created by Paris Congress on 23rd June 1894, is the supreme authority of the Olympic Movement. It has its headquaters in Lausanne Switzerland. The IOC has unquestionable powers as guide, guardian and arbiter(仲裁...