• 2022北京冬季奥运会开幕式“同样震撼”

    22-01-22 日前奥林匹克转播服务公司首席执行官伊阿尼斯埃克萨科斯表示,2022北京冬季奥运会开幕式将与2008北京夏季奥运会开幕式截然不同,但是会同样震撼。 The opening ceremony of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics will be very different from that of the 2008 Summer Gam...

  • on your bike 快点走开!

    21-12-24 短语 on your bike 是一个非常口语化的表达,告诉别人快走开,不要来烦你了。因为这不是一个礼貌表达,所以使用时要注意。 例句 You want twenty pounds to clean my windows? On your bike! Hey, on your bike ball games are not allowed on the village green! I to...

  • 《北京2022年冬奥会和冬残奥会防疫手册》发布

    21-10-26 10月25日,国际奥委会、国际残奥委会和北京冬奥组委三方共同发布第一版《北京2022年冬奥会和冬残奥会防疫手册》。 《防疫手册》(Playbooks)分两本,一本面向运动员和随队官员(athletes and team officials),另一本面向所有其他利益相关方(all other stakeholders),为...

  • 2022年北京冬奥会闭环管理

    21-10-01 北京时间9月29日,国际奥委会主席巴赫主持召开国际奥委会执行委员会会议,国际残奥委会主席帕森斯列席。会议审议了北京2022年冬奥会和冬残奥会疫情防控关键政策。 All athletes and games participants who are fully vaccinated will enter a closed-loop management...

  • 2022世界杯所有现场观众必须接种新冠疫苗

    21-06-22 将于明年11月21日在卡塔尔举办的2022世界杯是历史上首次在中东国家举办的世界杯足球赛。日前卡塔尔首相宣布,2022世界杯的所有现场观众都必须接种新冠疫苗,并计划为未接种疫苗的外国球迷采购和储备100万支疫苗。 Qatar will require spectators at the 2022 World Cup...

  • 密室逃脱五个小技巧

    21-06-09 Tip 1: Keep It Simple 想简单一点 For most escape prison games, even the very challenging ones with very high difficulty ratings, the puzzles and clues are surprisingly simple. They are just cleverly hidden and worded to make them appear difficult to...

  • 小时候玩的游戏 上

    21-06-01 跳棋 Chinese Checkers Chinese checkers is characterized by its hexagram-shaped board, which can accommodate up to 6 players. The main goal of Chinese checkers is to move all your marbles from your end to the opposite point of the star. Players can m...

  • 职业游戏玩家的生活是什么样的?

    21-04-09 在过去,玩电子游戏赚钱似乎是一个黄粱美梦。如今,越来越多的人正在成为职业游戏玩家。 From pixel representations of table tennis in the 1970s to modern day cinematic storytelling, video games have evolved a lot and become more immersive. But its not ju...

  • 难玩儿的游戏

    21-03-30 Is it possible to know what the opponents next move will be? Do you think of yourself as a bit of an expert at board games like chess or Go? Maybe youre not quite as good as you think. New research from the University of Manchester and the Universit...

  • 爱上恐惧感

    21-02-27 Tired of your quiet routine? How about leaving your computer games behind and taking up an extreme sport? You can ride a bicycle, right? In that case youre halfway to becoming a mountain biker. All you have to do is take your bike off the road and t...