• gossip/rumor mill 谣言工厂

    15-11-18 You can refer to the people in a particular place or profession who spread gossip as the gossip mill or rumor mill, which is considered as a source of unofficial and unreliable information. 某地或从事某种职业、专事传播各类八卦消息的人,可以称之为gos...

  • 聊八卦有可能延长寿命

    15-06-19 Scientists have found that crafty chats - dubbed 'gossip theory' - are what makes us human, and may even help us live longer. 科学家发现,狡诈的闲聊称之为八卦理论成为人类独有特点,甚至有可能延长寿命。 Gossip is what sets our species apart, as it hel...

  • 名人八卦会刺激大脑的愉快中枢

    15-02-23 If you feel a pang of guilty pleasure when you read celebrity tittle-tattle, don't be too hard on yourself. 要是你在看明星八卦时会感到一阵罪恶的快感,无需过分自责。 Hearing juicy gossip about famous people apparently fires up the brain's pleasure ce...

  • 我们为什么会被八卦所吸引

    14-12-05 If you find those sort of quietly whispered questions about your co-workers irresistible, you're hardly alone. But why are we drawn to gossip? 如果一些关于你同事的小八卦令你无法抗拒,恭喜你,你并不是一个人。但是,我们为什么会被这些八卦所吸引呢? A n...

  • Gossip magnet 八卦焦点

    14-02-11 Gossip magnet refers to a person or object that attracts an unusual amount of gossip. Gossip magnet指引发大量八卦传闻的人或物,即八卦焦点。 For example: Kan is no Justin Timberlake -- or even a gossip magnet like Paris Hilton. But he is taking advan...

  • 流言具有社会和心理效益

    12-01-18 For centuries, gossip has been dismissed as salacious(猥亵的) , idle chatter that can damage reputations and erode trust. But a new study from the University of California, Berkeley, suggests rumor-mongering can have positive outcomes such as help...

  • 研究:女性更易说出婚外情

    10-09-25 Women are far more likely to gossip about having an affair than men - who only tell strangers, a study reveals today. 今日发布的一项研究显示,女性把婚外情说出去的可能性比男性大得多,而男性只会将这种事告诉陌生人。 Far from wanting to keep it secret,...

  • Gossip 流言蜚语

    10-08-30 Over the years I have learned what harm can come from gossip(闲谈,流言) or just talking about other people. In my work place, gossip is a big problem, which is heightened by a couple of women who actually feel the need to stretch and twist certai...

  • 研究:真人秀节目互相攻击现象普遍

    10-05-24 All the gossip(闲话,流言) , insults and dirty looks add up fast on popular reality shows(真人秀) , far outpacing(赶上,超过) the level seen in equally popular dramas, comedies and soap operas according to a new Brigham Young University study....

  • 八卦网站 gossip site

    09-10-17 近日美国迪士尼当红小天后麦莉赛勒斯(Miley Cyrus)删掉了她在微型博客Twitter上的账户,这一举动在她的粉丝群中掀起了轩然大波。对此赛勒斯的解释是她不能容忍一些八卦网站把她在Twitter上的言论写成新闻故事。 请看外电的报道: Everything that I type, everything...