• 10句英语口头语

    22-08-08 1. Believe it or not! 信不信由你! 【例句】 Believe it or not, Im going to America tomorrow! 信不信由你,我明天就要去美国了。 2. Dont let me down! 别让我失望! 【例句】 Dont let me down. keep your promise. 别让我失望,请遵守你的诺言。 3. Easy come...

  • 赞美同事

    22-07-27 赞美同事的万能句:你真棒! 经典表达: You are looking sharp! 你看上去真棒/真精神/真漂亮!(sharp的意义很多,根据不同情况解释不同) 举一反三: You look great! You look nice in that color. You are really talented. You have a good sense of humor. You d...

  • Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 17

    22-07-13 Philip passed the next two years with comfortable monotony. He was not bullied more than other boys of his size; and his deformity, withdrawing him from games, acquired for him an insignificance for which he was grateful. He was not popular, and he...

  • 如何回答How are you doing?

    22-07-04 How are you doing,也是常见的打招呼时问的问题,以下是一些常见回复: 1. Im doing great today - and you? 2. Doing well, thanks. How about you? 3. Not bad, yourself? 4. Thanks for asking. Im doing fine....

  • 如何回答How are you?

    22-07-04 实际上,How are you可以看做是加长版的Hello,只是人们见面打招呼时表达友好的一种表达方式,并不期待得到特别详尽的回答,所以不要太有压力,以下就是一些现成的回答: 1. Fine. 这是一个简单直接的回答。如果你说完这个词就没下文了,那就说明你无意继续对话了。 2....

  • I can't get over you. 忘记你我做不到。

    22-06-22 I cant get over you. 忘记你我做不到。 Over表示忘记,熬过,释怀。 例: Im over you! 我已经把你放下了! Get over还可形容反应过来,回过神儿来。比如,如果你看到以前相貌平平的同学现在很美,就可以说:I cant get over how great you look! 真不敢相信,你现在这...

  • donkeys' years 很久很久,好多年

    22-06-21 Donkeys years a long time or ages 很久很久,好多年 例句: It was so great to see Sally again. I hadnt seen her in donkeys years. 能再次见到萨利真是太棒了,我好多年没有见到她了。...

  • 英文网聊缩略语-词汇篇

    22-06-07 b4 - before y - why u - you ur - your 2 - to gr8 - great l8r - later k - OK thx - thanks bf - boyfriend gf - girlfriend pls - please ppl - people sry - sorry w/ - with b/w - between b/c - because w/o - without adr - address f2f - face-to-face...

  • 同学聚会——临别

    22-05-27 **聚会接近尾声,跟同学道别: 19. It was great to see you again. 能聚一聚真是太好了。 20. Im so happy we reconnected. 很开心咱们又联络上了。 21. Lets do this again soon. 以后咱们一定要经常聚聚。...

  • make great progress 突飞猛进

    22-05-06 突飞猛进,汉语成语,形容进步或发展得非常快。可以翻译为develop rapidly,make great strides或make great progress等。 例句: 该国经济发展突飞猛进。 The nations economy has developed by leaps and bounds....