• 妮可·基德曼的演艺生涯 中

    22-04-15 But Im also just, Im still very curious. 但我也只是好奇。 Im still, I still have this passion for the work and for being on the set, and that time between action and cut, it is still extraordinary to me. 我仍然对工作和在片场拍摄有极大热情,拍摄和剪...

  • 不要轻易对身边的单身人士说这些话

    22-04-01 1. Why are you still single? Youre so great. 你怎么还单着?你这么优秀。 2. Itll happen when you least expect it. 爱情将会发生在你最不经意的时候。 3. Dont you ever get lonely? 你从没有感到过孤单吗? 4. Arent you worried you wont be able to have kids?...

  • be pale before 小巫见大巫

    22-03-23 小巫见大巫,汉语成语,意思是小巫法术小,大巫法术大,小巫的法术在大巫面前显得微不足道(a small sorcerer in the presence of a great one -- pale into insignificance by comparison)。后比喻能力高低相差悬殊,相形见绌(appear insignificant when compared w...

  • 表扬孩子

    22-02-23 1.你很努力啊! 表扬努力 You tried really hard on that. 2.尽管很难,但你一直没有放弃。 表扬坚毅 You never gave up, even when it was hard. 3.你做事情的态度非常不错。表扬态度 You have such a positive attitude. 4.你在______上进步了很多!表扬细节 You hav...

  • be absorbed in 全神贯注

    22-02-14 全神贯注,汉语成语,意思是全部精神集中在一点上,形容注意力高度集中。可以翻译为be absorbed in,be preoccupied with或be wrapped up in等。 例句: 下棋需要全神贯注。 Chess requires great concentration. 他全神贯注地听讲。 He listened to the lecture with...

  • GOAT=Greatest of All Time 史上最伟大;史上最佳

    22-02-08 GOAT=Greatest of All Time 史上最伟大;史上最佳 请看例句: China is a great nation, possibly the greatest of all time. 中国或许是有史以来最伟大的国家。...

  • kick ass 非常好

    22-01-25 Kickass 非常好 这个一般用于打气。 例句: Go and kick some ass,you would do great. 去吧!你可以做得很好的! Dont be scared of him, go kick his ass. 不要怕他,给他点颜色看看!...

  • Northanger Abbey - Chapter 25

    21-11-29 The visions of romance were over. Catherine was completely awakened. Henrys address, short as it had been, had more thoroughly opened her eyes to the extravagance of her late fancies than all their several disappointments had done. Most grievously w...

  • Northanger Abbey - Chapter 24

    21-11-29 The next day afforded no opportunity for the proposed examination of the mysterious apartments. It was Sunday, and the whole time between morning and afternoon service was required by the general in exercise abroad or eating cold meat at home; and g...

  • Northanger Abbey - Chapter 7

    21-11-29 Half a minute conducted them through the pump-yard to the archway, opposite Union Passage; but here they were stopped. Everybody acquainted with Bath may remember the difficulties of crossing Cheap Street at this point; it is indeed a street of so i...