• 日本最新化妆潮流 宿醉妆

    15-08-16 Hangover beauty is the latest make up trend sweeping the country, achieved by applying blush under the eyes and wet-look hair. 宿醉妆是红遍日本的最新化妆潮流,眼下涂上腮红,再加上湿润亮泽的头发就成了。 The end result is a sickly, dishevelled appeara...

  • 毛发状冰的成因被解开

    15-07-23 You may have never seen or heard of it, but hair ice - a type of ice that has the shape of fine, silky hairs and resembles white candy floss - is remarkable. It grows on the rotten branches of certain trees when the weather conditions are just right...

  • 美国一家美发沙龙开设老爸梳辫子课程

    15-07-17 Call it a daddy-daughter date night. With beer. And root beer. And hair braiding. 就叫它父女约会之夜吧。有啤酒。有根汁汽水。还有梳辫子。 Beer and Braids is an event dreamed up by Denver, Colorado salon owner Calli Huebl-Bodilis. Her Envogue salon ha...

  • cowlick 奶牛舔

    15-06-14 Do you ever fight with your hair? You wash it and comb it and try to get it to look perfect. Just when you think you've succeeded -- boing! -- an unruly clump of hair stands up as if to shout Look at me! 你是否曾经和头发斗争过?你洗了头,梳理整齐想...

  • 银发盛行的时代已到来

    15-05-17 The reign of the silver fox has been long and glorious. 银发盛行的时代由来已久且极受欢迎。 George Clooney, Robbie Williams and even The Great British Bake Off's Paul Hollywood have capitalised on their distinguished grey barnets, oozing style and so...

  • grannyhair 奶奶灰

    15-05-13 Grey hair is on trend with silver hair lovers the world over posting images on social media under the hashtag # grannyhair . 最近流行起了灰发。全世界的灰发爱好者们纷纷将自己的灰发照片分享到社交网络,并贴上奶奶灰的标签。 Instagram is awash with the g...

  • 美国女作家六年不用洗发水 头发不再油腻枯燥

    15-05-02 A writer has revealed why she stopped washing her hair six years ago after embarking on a quest to try and control her greasy, limp locks - by avoiding shampoo. 美国一位作家透露,她在六年前尝试不用洗发水,成功解决了头发油腻枯燥的问题。 New Yorker Sa...

  • Justine 淑女的眼泪 Chapter 30

    15-04-02 Yes. Ah, I swear to you in the name of all I hold most holy, in the name of the God Who makes me to breathe and Whom only I adore... I vow to you I will either die in the undertaking or destroy these infamies... will you promise me the same? Do not...

  • 短发发型逐渐流行预示经济复苏

    15-03-12 Everyone from Kim Kardashian and Margot Robbie to Rosamund Pike and Cheryl Fernandez-Versini have chopped off their long locks recently, making shorter hair a bona fide trend. 从金卡戴珊,玛格特罗比,到罗莎曼德派克和谢丽尔科尔,几乎每个人最近都剪掉...

  • The bald huntsman 秃头的猎人

    15-02-28 A man who had lost all his hair took to wearing a wig. One day he went out hunting. It was blowing rather hard at the time, and he hadn't gone far before a gust of wind caught his hat and carried it off, and his wig too. This became a big amusement...